Ok guys. This is it. This is everything you ever need, want, or - TopicsExpress


Ok guys. This is it. This is everything you ever need, want, or dont want, to know about #NUSNatCon 2014 - the Annual Conference of the National Union of Students. It will (eventually) feature: -Every policy, including mover, seconder, factional affiliation, and a brief description -Whether these policies are put on the agenda to be discussed or not - Whether these policies are passed or not, and by which factions - Every candidate and eventual elected Officebearer and Executive on a National and State level This, along with Twitter (@cjcaccamo, #nusnatcon) will be all you need to follow NatCon. If you want to. I wouldnt. Thanks to Liam ONeill for the assistance in making this, its a pretty huge project. Feedback welcome.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:28:57 +0000

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