Ok guys and girls, im sorry if this is long but if you read till - TopicsExpress


Ok guys and girls, im sorry if this is long but if you read till the end it will address most of the issues that you might have with airsoft. Normally I wouldnt chime in on discussions on equipment but all this bickering back and forth about polarstars, high caps and other issues regarding the game of airsoft has to be addressed. Those that know me or have played with me over the past 10 years know that I am the kind of guy that will walk off the field and swap sides mid game depending on how the games go. If one side is grossly over powered, I will swap and play against the stronger team and my buddies if I feel there is a need. First of all this whole thing about polarstars, use if high caps and fast firing rate guns. Are they realistic as far as mil-sim? Probably not but you know what? It is a challenge that should make you feel better when you manage to take one out. Blaming the gun for you getting pinned down or getting shot is like blaming the fork for weigh gain. This argument is not a new one, before there were polarstars people complained about systemas and other guns with fast rps (rounds per sec) and fps. I agree that speed ball tactics are annoying at times when you want to play mil-sim but you know what they actually do simulate a determined enemy that is willing to suicide charge to win the battle (sound familiar?) What everyone seems to be forgetting is this you can have the most expensive equipment shooting 401 fps with a 5000 round box mag with all the tacticool accessories you can imagine but you can still lose to a guy running around with a spring action shotgun with 10 rounds shooting 300 fps and a rubber knife. Now Im not saying that there are particular platforms and upgrades that offer advantages and yes getting shot point blank at 400 fps sucks, but what is more important than your gun is how you use it. If you dont train or practice. Your going to probably get shot by someone who does and may have more experience than you (sorry thats just how it is). If you dont want to get shot up close in the back make sure you and your buddy keep your head on a swivel and cover your six. Or team up with an experienced player to get the job done. Ive gone through many games with just a pistol and rubber knife and you know what? I do pretty well regardless what the other team had all just by changing my tactics. (Dont run out in the open or when you dont have cover fire.) What the main problem I see is lack of organization/ coordination/ teamwork. Sure there may be a guy pinning you and your buddies down with a fast shooting saw (or something like it) but you know what is faster than that? 3-5 guys shooting back at him! Also not being afraid to move up is key. If he has that area locked down find another route and fight your way through the other guys so you can flank him. There are a bunch of ways that you can overcome a heavily armed and fortified opponent just have to think outside of the box and be able to work with a group of people. Finally in regards to airsoft and mil-sim you are not going to have the advantage in every situation. Not every bad guy goes down after the first round. Sometimes it takes several more. Our militarys special forces are often outnumbered and outgunned when they go out on mission but what they do to make up for it is use their minds and what resources they have to get the job done. You guys can do the same but you have to first stop complaining about every little thing and figure out how you can overcome, how can you make yourself better. You guys can do it. Oh and just to let you know there is a bill on the governors desk right now that puts airsoft at risk. So you better start emailing and calling the governor to save out sport and veto the bill before it becomes law.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:04:30 +0000

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