Ok,,had to repost this for all of you to read. And to tell the - TopicsExpress


Ok,,had to repost this for all of you to read. And to tell the truth,if no one likes this,,as usual,I can care less. Kevin McGinty 3-24-13 Here’s my humble opinion folks, and I’m tired of being humble. I honestly think that everybody better hold on to their hats and get ready! For starters, Janet Yellen, the latest phony mouthpiece for the Federal Reserve started mumbling last week that the interest rate would be creeping up, and quantitative easing, the Fed’s supposed gift to us, after printing 40 Billion a month since Moses crossed the Red Sea, which by the way as usual has propped up a consistently false narrative as to Wall Street and the Stock Markets phony success and kept Chase Manhattan on the triple Martini diet, meanwhile no Economic Recovery, Millions and Millions out of work, probably never to return, and this imbecile of a President is as usual is fat mouthing and photo opting his March Madness picks, while Ellen Degenerate touts his miserable Obamacare debacle on national T.V., and as he miserably mouths the hideous consequences of Income Inequality, the miniscule minimum wage, and his obvious lack of knowledge as to the wage gap between men and women. Meanwhile, his Pop Star Wife as in Pop goes the Weasel, with the prodigious smile, that by the way has me convinced she could eat a tuna fish sandwich through a tennis racket, sashays to China, at 8k a Hotel Room, carts her Mammy along on this Taxpayers boondoggle, who in turn alienates the entire Hotel staff, because she couldn’t get chitlins in her Chop Suey. Only in America! Point #2. We’ve heard for years that the Dollar is hanging by a pound-dollar-euro-ruble-yen-yuan-25727196thread, and surely only 18 Trillion of those are presently owed to China. But guess what, the Euro, and the Ruble is practically toast, and believe it or not the now revered yuan is at its lowest point against the much maligned U.S. Dollar. So what does that tell you folks? I’ll tell you what. From the initial Greek uprisings, through the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Libya, Benghazi,’ the Syrian War, and now this Ukrainian debacle with the Ruskies is nothing but pure Theater. All of it. Planned, orchestrated and implemented by those numerous, well heeled souls, who nobody can quite put the finger on, but behind closed doors, they are affectionately known as the Third World Order. Those rich, educated, know it all, life long Progressives, who have been anxiously waiting for the right moment and they think this might be it. However their Century, more Full Court Press of propaganda steeped in Marxism, Communism, Socialism, with a pinch of Capitalism thrown in so they could comfortably survive up to this point, appears to be a tad behind schedule due to pockets of resistance and awakening here and there. They cannot afford to scrap the plan, since they have devoted a Century of time and effort in sophisticating their skills as the Master Puppeteers. In the very near future, aspects of the aforementioned strife will undoubtedly reach critical mass and a World Crisis will be declared, and from behind the Silver Screen the stream of elegant Oligarchs will emerge one by one. They will be awash in light and healing words of wisdom will spill from their lips as they declare the demise of World Hunger, Poverty, Environmental Evisceration, and announce the coming of Social Justice and Prosperity for all. One by one they will parade by, and take their seat at the table and there will be no doubt as to who will be calling the shots, at least for the time being. Unfortunately for us with any sense left, the reality of the situation will soon sink in and the real light of truth will reveal their true identities; that being the same psychopaths that created this dysfunctional maelstrom. Doubt me? Just wait. Has anything unusual taken place in the last six years in the good old U.S. of A.? In case you haven’t noticed, the entire Country has transformed, and if you happen to think that is a good thing, take me off your Christmas Card list. Oh! I forgot. Christmas is on the hit list. Operation-American-Spring-680x365You get the drift! Oh! By the way. All is not lost. A few million of us are planning to drop in for a visit to D.C. about the middle of May, (Operation American Spring) (patriotsbillboard.org/?s=operation+american+spring&submit=Search) to gab with a few of our alleged leaders and kind of review their position descriptions and whatnot, and to drop a suggestion or two as to what their oath of office was regarding the Constitution. Remember that founding Document, that somehow just doesn’t make the grade in this sophisticated, intellectual world, where we spend 10-12K annually on each and every student for twelve years in places like Chicago and Detroit and somehow, they still can’t read or write in many cases. Oh! Excuse me, I forgot. Michelle Obama’s primary mission to China, besides authoring a Culinary Tutorial on Pork Fried Rice, was to convince the Chinese of the wonderful advantages of a sound Education, as of course administered daily in the U.S. Anyway, watch out for that upcoming, economic turndown. No big deal. You’ll just lose the other half of your retirement savings that you lost in 2008. Just put your hand out, and move to Hawaii, where the per capita annual payout is 60K. Yeah! 60 K. Say isn’t Hawaii the burg that the Annointed One was allegedly born in. What a coincidence! Oh Well! That’s a story for another day. Hope to see you in D.C. Maybe we can postpone that coming out party for that orgy of Oligarchs I opined about previously. Sounds like a plan!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:29:55 +0000

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