Ok here I go. I may regret but whatever. The whole depression - TopicsExpress


Ok here I go. I may regret but whatever. The whole depression issue that is blowing up everyones news feed is here to make ppl aware that it is REAL. If it took Robin Williams taking his own life to make ppl more aware of depression then he is by far a bigger Hero in my eyes then I thought. We all think we knew him when in fact we didnt know him at all. We knew the man who got paid big bucks to make ppl laugh. We knew nothing about the real man he was and keeping his depression from millions is what he shouldve been getting paid for. We live in a society that looks down on, frowns on and looks at ppl as theyre weak and cowards if they cant handle real life. And, just like Robin Williams you come across, seem, look and act normal to the human eye. The human eye, mind and heart can be our worse enemies. It only sees, thinks, hears and feels what it wants to. Depression is REAL. Its not made up, ppl dont talk about depression for attention or wanting ppl to feel sorry for them. The real depression state of mind ppl dont mention it at all until they really feel lost ( which couldve been years in the making) and then is when they bring light to the situation only to be told, Itll be ok, suck it up, this to shall pass, your grown you can handle it etc etc etc. If youve nvr laid in bed crying , stood in the shower for hours crying, pulled over on the side of the road out of the blue to cry because of the hurt or pain you feel inside for no reason ( outside of the norm) lost a loved one, your bf/gf/ spouse left you, your dog died, you lost your job YA KNOW the normal occasional life depressed Then you are very blessed and not in depression. If youve never experienced an out of body, mind and soul depression state where tears come falling down in the middle if your fav show, movie or with friends having a good time, then no your not in a state of depression. There is depressed and there is depression please dont mistake the two. If someone says they are depressed look at what changes have happened recently in their life most of the time its life changes that cause us to be depressed. Depression has NO changes. It is what it is DEPRESSION. Which means no matter what happens in your life that is or could be a positive doesnt effect your mental mind. You can fix the depressed but not the true depression in ones mind. A temporary depressed person can use medication, family and friends to help them through there tuff depressed state but depression is a life long illness that you have to learn to deal and struggle with daily. It doesnt go away in time and theres no fixing it. You learn the signs for good and bad days, when you should be alone and when you shouldnt. When its time to just jump in your car with the music up and windows down to ride and when you just need to stay in bed. When its one of those days you feel the need to stay in bed dont let others make you feel bad for it. Thats your mind letting you know. . you have to stay in bed in order to reset to reboot yourself or life changing things can happen. The life changing things that can happen are....your family, friends, spouse, children coworkers and the ppl who dont matter all will wonder why you felt the need to take your life. And between all those people with their emotions of pain, hurt, sorrow, sad, anger madness and questions combined into ONE cant even come close to the pain youd been feeling inside you all along for years. Ive been depressed and I deal daily with depression. Ive watched, seen and witnessed where depression can take you. from ppl I know, ppl I knew and the ppl I read about. It is real. I think depression can and is a ticking time bomb in your mind. The only thing that can save you is the fight and God. As far as the ones that depression takes complete control of. I cant speak about because Ive nvr been there. If I had I wouldnt be here today. I feel there is a line that can be crossed with depression and in your in an out of mind experience at that moment depends on what your tomorrow will bring. It can bring another day of fight, courage and strength or it can be your last thought of what did I just do but then its to late. In one secant you were in a state of depression and in that same secant you were questioning what you just did to your self, your family and friends. That mind of ours is a powerful tool. The moral to my mini story is: you know your family and friends. Watch for signs. They are there. You see them dont brush them off. Dont be the one who sits there after their loved one is gone and say I shouldve done this or that. I shouldve paid more attention. I feel like i let them down.. I shouldve, shouldve shouldve. Be the one who sits there knowing you did everything you could. But also make sure you know and understand you couldve, shouldve done everything to help them only to of lost them anyway. Its each individuals mind neither they nor you had control of what state of depression they were in at that moment. Just know...they didnt mean to do it. All my hugs to anyone and everyone that has dealt with this type of tragedy. May you find some peace and understanding with my own thoughts and feelings on a daily struggle of depression.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:25:02 +0000

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