Ok, here goes. First of all, the headlines all read: Unarmed black - TopicsExpress


Ok, here goes. First of all, the headlines all read: Unarmed black teenager shot by white police officer, right? When you read or see that, you think a young (13/14 yr old), innocent kid shot in cold blood by a racist cop. What we must remember is that Mr. Brown was an 18 year old, 64 and weighed 292 lbs! He had JUST STOLEN a box of $40.00 cigars from a convenience store. He is on surveillance video smacking around a tiny clerk. They had a description of what he was wearing during the robbery. There arent that many 64 black men wearing a Cardinals hat and a white T-shirt that weigh 292 lbs walking down the street at the same time a store had JUST been robbed. Officer Wilson is 6 and weighs 198 lbs. Black, White, Asian or Hispanic...do the math! Did he deserve to die? Absolutely NOT! It could have all been prevented when he was caught and had he surrendered instead of fighting with the officers and then running. Michael Brown was hardly a gentle giant as they describe him. It should NOT be a race issue. It should be a human issue! Why must everything be race related? Why is Al Sharpton even there? Had it been a black, Hispanic, Asian officer that shot a white unarmed teen, do you think the same media coverage would have been shown? Honestly, I dont think so. Then, to loot and burn down buildings in your very own hood? What does that show everyone? I know what it shows me. Thats all I have to say. Only God, Michael and Office Wilson know what really happened in the 90 seconds that took a young mans life. I hope I have not offended anyone. It is how I feel. #prayersforpeace
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:09:53 +0000

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