Ok, here is the problem ladies... Many women grow up thinking - TopicsExpress


Ok, here is the problem ladies... Many women grow up thinking that they HAVE to wear it. To be honest, it is not their fault. From the age of say 0, you are bombarded with every magazine, TV show and movie not to mention the 1,000 per day commercial you are slammed with, telling you that you are ugly if you do not wear this or look like that. The second you start to realize that you are a girl and have a changing body, you go into the self attack mode about every inch of your body. From there, it devolves to self hatred. As soon as your parent let you, you run to the store and stock up on a life time supply of War Paint. You read through every magazine trying to find Your look. Now, let be honest, you do it for impress a guy or to make other women jealous. Yes, yes, I have heard the line, I do it to make myself feel good. The other almost equally popular reason is the old, I do it because men only like me like this. Ladies, from this guys point of view, it is BS. I personally hate make-up. Why you ask? Simple, you cannot live made up 24/7. At some point, a guy is going to see you without it will not burn up and die. I would much rather see the real you than the fake you. Yes make up can make a dramatic difference but, at the end of the day, you still have to take it off and be who you were born to be. As a guy, I wish to apologies to every women that has suffered from any man that has put you down for you looks or has made you feel inadequate for not being a super model. It is not fair to any of you and no woman should ever put themselves down for how they look. Be proud of who you are.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 03:17:34 +0000

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