Ok, here we go Conservative, Tea Party Republicans and Democratic - TopicsExpress


Ok, here we go Conservative, Tea Party Republicans and Democratic Liberals and independents. Here is my prediction of our future now. The R has taken over congress again, which means until President Obama leaves office nothing with get done, especially if they ignore bi-partisanship. Which they will because all conservatives believe that Democrats, Liberals, and anyone that doesnt think like them are ignorant, dumb, uneducated, uninformed etc and have nothing better to bring to the U.S. than they do. So another Conservative President will be voted in and will send ground troops to fight Isis. They will boycott fine goods and wine from Europe since they will not follow our lead. Then our allies will once again hate us and our economy will fail once more and the poor will stay poorer, the middle class will be poor, and the rich will only get richer. Keeping minimum wage low and health insurance high. The banks will once again make it easy to give loans so the Government looks like they are doing something for the middle class and poor. Life will repeat itself 8 years ago and 8 years from now they will begin to think about it and say, OH MY, WHAT HAVE I DONE, until the next election when they will still vote in the same party just because they will not, for what they think is lowering themselves to vote against their party even though it has failed miserably repeating the same miserable tactics it has in the past. Waaaa! Waaa! All over a Healthcare that can work if Congress works together with the President to fix it or to legalize a drug that may put pharmaceuticals out of business because it actually works without addiction, or because we refuse to put our troops back in harms way instead of air strikes and using them right here as homeland security to keep Isis from harming the U.S. or that maybe people may actually be able to choose who they love and why, or because our economy is not recovering faster than it took to destroy it, or that the scientists have told us that we are experiencing Global Warming, or that our Earth is more important for survival than big business like Sugar and Gas which is destroying us slowly individually and the planet we live on, or just because the ideas are liberal and not conservative. No matter what good they may do for us. I hope Im wrong but I will wage it, since I need the money because I work for a few dollars over Florida minimum wage and less than minimum wage in other states. Peace out!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:38:06 +0000

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