Ok heres goes the re edited version- Drank the bottle of water. - TopicsExpress


Ok heres goes the re edited version- Drank the bottle of water. Ate the 2 bananas. The thing is-- when you eat dead foods like hotdogs for example: it fills your stomach and you are full, because none of your cells ate and you are bloated until you are empty again- But when you eat living foods like any fruits or plant based foods-- or green herbs--- your cells absorb almost everything and your belly is not really that full like that and you feel hungry fast-- but only because you only think you didnt eat enough & now you need dead foods to really fill the missing spots. The fact is: you didnt absorb enough of the living foods at the time you ate or drank them and you have to have enough of it, to where both your cells eat enough, and where theres enough extra of that food, that falls to your belly- and eventually the cells will absorb most of that too--- the rest being digested. But really, whats being digested, aint the living foods--- but all the old dead foods that need to come out your system that have stood in your body putrefying for too long causing the deseases they have caused while being there. Mostly all of us need to go through a rehydration, alkalization, detoxifying, regenerating process-- But we cant just do alittle here & alittle there- if we fully want to detox and fully be on the regenerating process of the cells. We have to go all the way in and stay there for the rest of our lives. We cant go back and forth. You cant eat dead foods and then have alittle living food here and there cause you will be disrupting the process of your cellular regeneration. And people wonder why they put alittle mango in them or a few strawberries and get cramps in their intestines. Is funny cause this applies to the spirit and ultimately God is speaking through those cramps-- but through your body-- telling you--- its not the fruit-- its the junk inside your belly that you havent cleaned. And that pain is a sign that you were beginning the right process but then you gave in blaming it on the fruit when its your fault.-- In the spirit once you start HATING SIN FOR ALL THAT IT IS-- for real- and you start desiring to go against it and you are on that process --- then, in the spirit, & biblically that is when you are seeing the evidences that you truly were born again and God became your spiritual and Heavenly Father. Now Im on those grapes :)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:50:52 +0000

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