Ok, here’s an excerpt from the 3rd manuscript Im currently - TopicsExpress


Ok, here’s an excerpt from the 3rd manuscript Im currently working on: Havasu and the Last Generation. I would appreciate prayer to complete these manuscripts by the end of the year! Thanks and God Bless! Lake Havasu City, Arizona is one of the most beautiful desert lakes you will ever see! You have California on one shoreline and Arizona on the other. The Colorado River divides the two states and feeds the lake. For many years it’s been a top winter destination for tourists from around the world. Many come to see the historic London Bridge that was brought over piece by piece and reassembled in Lake Havasu back in the late 60’s. The bridge goes across the now popular Bridgewater Channel. Thousands of snowbirds (typically retirees) come from all over the United States and Canada to winter at this haven in the desert. So, whats my interest and what does God have in store for Havasu and the last generation? Good question … glad I asked! Let me take you back to the year 2001 to the beginning of this story that now spans over 12 years. One day I was having a conversation with a new Christian friend of mine and I asked him, “Is there anything that you’d like to do for the Lord that you haven’t done yet?” My new friend is Darryl Cottier. ‘DJ Darryl’ is one of the top DJ and dance music producers in the world and one of his friends is Scott Blackwell who I met in 1991. (More about that meeting later in the book.) Scott is a world-renowned DJ and dance music producer, who also had his own Christian dance label for years. Scott came from the clubs of the 70’s and worked and played at the famous Studio 54 in New York City. Both of these men are Christians and were still highly sought after in the secular arena of music, but not so much in the American music scene on the Christian side. (This is the part that I was really going to ‘go off’ on but it will be later in the book.) I spent 14 years of my life as a nightclub DJ, living and working in that dark lifestyle. When I came to know Christ in 1990 I desperately searched for a way I could use my music gifts for the Kingdom of Light and was shocked at what I found in the Christian music world. But hang on; the story gets better … eventually … So I asked Darryl “Is there anything you and Scott have talked about doing for the Lord?” He said they had talked about doing something in Lake Havasu during spring break. HAVASU? Darryl said, “Yes, it’s one of the largest spring break party destinations in America.” WOW! I asked, “What would you like to do there?” “We’d like to do an event” he said, “that would be so big that the music industry and dance community would be affected for the kingdom of God.” Darryl said they would like for people to see the talent and creativity that the Lord has given them to use for His purpose and they’d like to go right in the middle of spring break where thousands of college students come to party and get wild. Again, I said, “WOW!” I thought to myself that would be one really big battle over this generation. Darryl said it would have to be really, really big to make the impact. Ok, so now I was on an assignment from God to find out how such an event could come about for reaching these college students from all over the southwestern United States that come to Havasu to party. I started making phone calls to get any information about spring break in Lake Havasu. I wanted to know how many weeks are they there, where are they from, where do they sleep, eat and party and so on. One of my leads resulted in a call to the Havasu Parks and Recreation department. A friend mentioned they had a Christian friend who worked there who might be able to help me with some information I wanted. I made the call and set up a time that we could meet in Lake Havasu. I was in Phoenix, which is about a four hour drive to Havasu from where I live. My contact in Havasu informed me of the local problem their teens and pre-teens face due to the fact that their spring break timetable overlaps with the college spring break schedule that runs for six weeks. My contact told me of the positive things that have happened as a result of their program for the teens and pre-teens and the amazing efforts of the city and the Parks and Rec department. They were even acknowledged on a national level because of their program. I was very excited to hear more about this because I’d been working with youth from my church for over 10 years. She stated she’d give me more information the next time she sees me. So, we set an appointed time to meet the following week and I told her I’d call her when I got into town. The next week I traveled back to Havasu. I got up about 4 am for the 4 hour journey. I called my contact around 8 am and told her I’d arrived in town. Our meeting was scheduled for 9 that morning. I asked her if she had any ideas where I might go look for a future site for this music event and she suggested I go to the London Bridge Beach Park and check things out. She gave me directions and off I went. The route took me over the London Bridge and I continued on into the park. It was early November and the weather was just beautiful! As I got out of my truck I was struck by the beauty of the park - the mountains that surrounded the lake were amazing! I continued on, following a walkway that borders the channel that flows under the London Bridge and as I looked north toward that famous bridge I was caught up in a vision. It was so real, it was as if I was watching a movie on a huge screen right before me! I saw this huge wave, like an ocean wave hundreds of feet tall; higher than the mountains that surround the city. This wave came from the north and had such great power it swept over and flooded the entire city. Nothing could escape this wave! I said, “Lord, what am I seeing?” HE SAID, “I AM SENDING A WAVE OF MY SPIRIT THAT WILL SWEEP OVER A GENERATION. IT WILL BE LIKE A TSUNAMI WAVE THAT COMES SUDDENLY AND EVERYONE WILL BE OVERTAKEN BY THIS WAVE OF MY PRESENCE.” As I was ‘watching’ this wave come over me, the wind all around me picked up and it felt like the ground under my feet was moving ... I know you, you’re thinking, “Really, Bobby?” “Yeah everyone, really!” The Hoover Dam is about 130 miles upstream of Lake Havasu and in this vision I had an image of what would happen if waves hundreds of feet tall swept over the dam and headed downstream to Lake Havasu and other cities downriver. It was overwhelming! The Presence of God was so strong I just started to cry. I said, “God what are you saying?” He said, “I’M GOING TO SEND A WAVE OF REVIVAL DOWN THE RIVER THAT WILL BRING REVIVAL TO THIS NATION.” Ok, I get it. Lake Havasu, thousands of college students swept up in this REVIVAL. But how? … When? … There wasnt an answer and all of a sudden my phone rang. It shook me back to where I was … I was in the park. I answered the call and it was my contact with the city; her meeting ended early and she could now meet with me. I was still clearing the tears from my eyes when I told her I was in the park at the end of the channel. She said, “Stay there; I’ll come down to the park to meet you.“ It was about 15 minutes later when she arrived. I told her I wanted to do a Christian DJ music event with all types of Christian music; everything from hip hop, electronic music, worship, rock alternative and anything else that would add to this positive music event. She thought it would be a great idea and that I should talk with her father who owned a Christian radio and TV station in Lake Havasu. I told her I’d love to meet him and would go to the station before I headed back to Phoenix. I proceeded to tell her that before she called, I’d been walking down the sidewalk praying and the Lord showed me a vision. I went on to tell her exactly what I just described to you. She looked at me in almost disbelief at what I had just spoken. We had never met before and she said for over 20 years people have been praying for revival. Many people have had visions of the youth in this country coming to Lake Havasu for a great revival that would take place among the college students and that Lake Havasu would no longer be known as one of the largest spring break party spots in America; but would be known as the largest gathering of Christian college students and families during spring break. She had tears running down her face, she could hardly believe what she’d heard but it was apparently a confirmation to her. The presence of God was so strong! I told her I also had a vision of the place where we were currently standing; that it would be used as a lighthouse to reach those in darkness. I shared with her that I had walked all the way around the park, past the London Bridge and that I saw a 13 ft. scale model of a very famous lighthouse. It had been built as part of a local lighthouse club in Lake Havasu that builds replica lighthouses. I told her my wife loves lighthouses and so do I. I told her there would be a lighthouse built on the very spot where I was currently standing. She looked at me and I just smiled. (Two years later a lighthouse was built exactly where I stood and is still there today.) I told her thanks for all her help and I would contact her again for the permits and whatever else was needed for this event in Lake Havasu. My drive back to Phoenix that afternoon was full of creative and curious thoughts; how was I going to pull this event off for God and who was going to help me ... this was way out of my scale of experience ... En route back there was one word that the Lord had spoken, that kept coming to my mind. This was also the same word my Havasu contact had spoken ... REVIVAL ... What did that really mean in the Christian world? I‘d been a Christian for 11 years and only heard that word a few times. When I got back to Phoenix I spent the next few weeks studying the history of revivals in America and around the world and then a thought came to me, “Could it be possible that God was going to bring an awakening, a revival to America through these college students … what would that look like … where would that take place … Is Lake Havasu part of that move of God?” In our western church culture we think everything will happen overnight with the Lord. I mean come on; we have such a fast food mentality! We pull up to God’s drive-thru window, put our order in with God and by the time we get to the service window a few feet away we expect everything to be ready! How many of us have treated God like this only to find out there is a thing called ‘divine’ timing, God’s timing and a bigger plan and a more excellent way from the Lord and more.” I’ve certainly done this and learned a lot and still learning … but I havent quit from my assignment no matter what the cost. Over the next 12 years I would be a part of some amazing journeys in Lake Havasu and many of those stories I’ve never shared with anyone. Some of these events just crushed me but in the midst of all of it … God brought me through! Battling for this generation has been intense and has proven to prepare me for the battles of today. As I prepare to go back to Lake Havasu in the spring of 2014; I SEE CLEARLY WE ARE ON THE EDGE OF A FULL-BLOWN REVIVAL AND AN EXPLOSION OF THE LOVE OF GOD MANIFESTED TO A SEVERELY BROKEN GENERATION! I hope you will come along for the ride as I take you through the past 12 years of God stories. I promise … you will not be bored! Until next time ... GOD BLESS ... DJ Bobby D
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:39:03 +0000

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