Ok, here’s what happened. I was off work on Saturday night and - TopicsExpress


Ok, here’s what happened. I was off work on Saturday night and Aimee, Robert (My boyfriend) and I were having a really fun night. Her right leg had been hurting her really bad over the past few weeks but even it was feeling ok. She cooked dinner for us and we all commented on how delicious it was. Later, I was working on putting together music for the Blake’s float and she was hanging out with the two loves of her life in her room. (Her cats, Hopper and Spike) They were watching TV on the computer. Every now and then, we’d both take breaks, when she came downstairs and told me we were going to smoke. We really were having a very nice night. She was happy. Around 4AM we decided to head to bed, so I went upstairs to my room. As I was headed in, she stopped me and said “Nighty Night, Bill. I love you!” I poked my head into her room and told her “Goodnight, Foot! I love you, Aimee.” I went to bed but couldnt fall asleep right away because I was too excited about the next day. Robert remained downstairs, watching TV for another hour. Around 5AM, Robert headed up to bed and as he was opening the door to our room, he heard Aimee say something through the door but he couldnt make out what she said. Then he heard her say louder, “Bill!”, then, even louder, she “Bill!” He opened our door, got me up and we raced to her room to find her laying on the floor, attempting to change from her pajamas to sweatpants. I helped her get dressed, as we were planning on rushing to the ER in the car. She kept saying that she was going numb on her right side and that her tongue was swelling. “Oh my God, something is wrong with me! What’s happening to me? I’m sorry! I’M SO SORRY, BILL!” I replied that she had nothing to be sorry about because it was US and she can say ANYTHING to me. “It’s Bill and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” I kept telling her. At this point I told Robert to call 911 IMMEDIATELY! He was on the phone with the 911 operator almost instantly. I picked her up and placed her on the bed. She said “You gotta fix these pillows! There all messed up, Bill!” So, I fixed the pillows to her satisfaction and noticed that she was starting to try to close her eyes. I told her she had to stay with me and not to close her eyes. “You have to say with me, baby! Stay with me!” I said, “I love you very much, Aimee! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” She replied, “I love you too, Bill” “I love you!” At this point, the 911 operator instructed us to remove the pillows and tilt her head back to keep her airway open and keep her breathing well. I put my hand under her neck and told her “Come on, baby, you can’t go to sleep!” ”You have to stay with me. I love you soooo much!” She replied with a more muffled “I love you, too.” Then, I said “Ok, we’re gonna play the counting game! Count with me, ok” She replied, “OK”. We counted from 1 to 10 and she repeated each number with me. We did that successfully, three times. At the end of the third time, she got stuck on the number 10. She kept repeating the number 10. We made it mostly through the numbers one more time when the Alpharetta fire/ rescue arrived. She kept her eyes open the whole time, even though she was fighting to do so. At this point the medics came into the room and asked me to step outside the room. The medics worked on her really swiftly and got her into the ambulance. Off we went to the ER. At the ER, we got called into the “Family Room”, where they asked us if she had fallen or hit her head in some way recently. I said that she had fallen but that fall didn’t result in her hitting her head. The doctor told us (Me, Robert and by then, Michael Leach was there) that they were concerned because one pupil was larger than the other and that usually means some kind of brain trauma. She said they were currently doing a CT scan to find out more. We were excused to the waiting room again but for only like 20 minutes at the most. They called us back into the family room and this time there were more doctors. The new doctor told us that she had bleeding from the brain into the brain stem. Then he said the words I’ll never forget. “This is not something she can recover from.” At that point a part of life ended. I know Michael and Robert felt the same way. Later, she had been moved to critical care and her brother (Andy) her sister-in-law (Lori) Vicki Vara and Melissa Piccardi (Backstreet owner and her wife) arrived. They could release any more information to anyone but her brother at this point. We all looked at the brain scan and the doctor told us that the best case would be that she would only recover to the point of having “Locked-in Syndrome” I think I said that right. It’s where you are completely aware of your surroundings and you can see, hear and understand everyone around you but you can’t respond in any way. That part of her brain was gone. She would have had to be taken care of 24/7. We all had a decision to make and we decided that Aimee would never want to live that way. That’s when I let everybody know about the visiting hours and that she was gonna be taken off life support at 2PM Monday. The next morning, however, they did another brain scan, only to find out that all brain activity had ceased. She was declared deceased at 9:20 AM, Monday morning. She did not suffer at all. I really hope this helps everybody understand better. I know I would have wanted to know.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:40:28 +0000

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