Ok if you dont believe in guardian angles or Gods perfect timing - TopicsExpress


Ok if you dont believe in guardian angles or Gods perfect timing then maybe this will change your mind. ... I have been saving to get metal for the roof of my barn. I called and the metal was in today. So with the excitment of being ng able to complete a long drawn out task i hurriedly hooked up the lil trailer. And headed on my way. With a few lil issues like having to cut the lock off the trailer and then forgetting the money and having to come back to the house. I was still in a good happy place. The man had it ready and waitin for me so it wasnt long before it was strapped down and i was on my way home. With my precious load. I was going slow. The trailer was a lil fourwheeler trailer and the ramp was the back that closed up. And so it had tall rack on which the metal was resting and strapped tightly. As long as i drove slow and stayed out of the way of others i was good. However... ,and this is where it gets sticky.. I was just pass the arena there in Hensley riding in a pack of about five other vehicles. When all of a sudden a powerful wind hit the truck. It was hard enough to push me . The other cars also struggles to stay safe. But recovered. At the split second i looked in the mirror to see my metal ripping up and over to the shoulder. I had already let off the gas when the gust hit but was tryn now to get slowed down and over to the shoulder. A piece hit the back up light just above the back glass. And another hit the edge spidering the glass. At this point i was on the shoulder but tryn not to hit the breaks so hard so to not send all of the metal through the glass. At this point metal is being blown all along the shoulder. Our baby girl was strapped into her seat in the middle of the bck seat. But then nature decided to give it a lil help And before i got completely stopped the last 6 of 26 12ft sheets of metal slid off the rack and hit the bck glass and bounced into the bed. All except The top piece which hit the top of lexys car seat. You know The three inches that is taller than the truck seat. ? Her lil head struck up pas it about 2 or 3 inches. It hit the only safe spot and stopped. !! Right behind her head. She screamed and glass went pouring in on her. I got out and pulled her out. She was fine. Thank you Jesus. !! I was rattled but otherwise ok. All the metal was blown to the shoulder n NOT into traffic. That was Gods directing. And lexy didnt get hurt. She could have been decapitated. Im so greatful for Gods protecting hand. And his angels watching and doing what they do best. So if u dont believe in angels or that Jesus watches over u and ur children just ask me! I tell u ur wrong and to rethink ur ideas. Once again i have witness to his hand of protection. my faith is strong and always has been, but its found a new renewed strength. Thank You Jesus for ur ever caring protective hand.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:33:40 +0000

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