Ok, just checked the 1st part June 14th and apologize for the - TopicsExpress


Ok, just checked the 1st part June 14th and apologize for the mistakes in the spelling etc. Some requests for the next part( least of all from Lady TT, actually told me off) So Scott and I started on the agreed security work in Suzannas house and after a cup of tea she says, Ive got to get ready Ive very important meeting today. So as we were wiring this and that Scott says, how about anower welth Wesson pleath?( come on now remember hith lithpth!). Ok Scott, what are you doing after work tonight?, dont know he replies, well after I get home tonight, Im going for a pint but first Ive got give, and heres todays welsh bit to learn. bwyd ir ebol, what he says, bwyd ir ebol, I repeat, now you try Scott, ok wwwd iwww webl, no, good try but............let me help you, I turn to face his direction and offer some visual help to the task for later that day. Look at me Scott, I stand facing him about ten feet away and hold my hand out at waist level and to send the message home palm up move my hand slowly back and forth, and repeat the phrase bwyd ir ebol. At this exact moment Suzanna, looks around the kitchen door frame and asks what are you two talking about?. I reply, I was giving Scott a little Welsh lesson, with that she turns round door to reveal her self in full glory. Shes off to one hell of a meeting dressed like that, tight dress, just above the knee as if she was going to the races (hubba hubba). she marches over to me and the next part shocks me, in fluent Welsh, Gwrando rwan y bastard digwilydd, dwi yn deal a siarad Cymreag Adwi yn gwybod yn union be ti yn feddwl pan ti yn dweud bwyd ir ebol. Dwi wedi gweld yr Inbetweeners a be mae Jay yn feddwl pan mae yn dweud bwyd ir ebol, I could see it happening but could do nothing about it, her arm went out and swish.... crack....my left cheek took the full blow, with that she spun on her heels and marched off, click..click..click, as a typist in the seventies on the keyboard had just a touch too much coffee. I turned to Scott, did you see that, as I held my jaw from side to side and turned to his direction, he was on his back and I can only describe as doing the Dying Fly one arm out stretch moving back and forth and saying wwwd iww webl .... wwwd iww webl. ...
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:20:53 +0000

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