Ok kids.. Some news got brought to my attention today that just - TopicsExpress


Ok kids.. Some news got brought to my attention today that just didnt settle well.. I aint going to mention names so dont ask.. I was told .. to the contestants that put up the flyer of the Contest and promote it on your facebook page.. The one who has done it the most or whatever will receive 5+additional points or if not would be like getting -5 points deducted...you get the math. Now. Lets get this straight.. When in the hell did this start ???? I know you have right as the owner, that the next thing coming out of your mouth..... that all fine, but without notice or a vote or any type of format to say changes are being made this is not flying well with me and not acceptable and is my personal thought it a bunch of rigatoni bullshit!!! I recently left one because of this type of foolishiness... and dont have a problem stepping down from another one ... then lets keep going.. you want this Contest or Pageant to be successful and better ???? The only way it ever going to be something or anything is when YOU stand for what it is and do what its called to do... i have no problem doing charity work for a wonderful cause or need. Its very humanitarian to do so.. but working for free and required to do this and that so it compensate nobody but yourself...thats not flying with me... i have built my name ..This is my career and my payroll.. yes I have worked for free in cases which (I) chose to do... and still dont have any problem doing but my next question is this? Where is this so called money going?? To pay ppl 25.00 to work because they cant get booked nowhere else?? Because I dont see it benefiting the system any? Its almost beginning to look like a drag cult system...just my opinion.. so with this..I for one dont need to waste my time on follishiness nor do I want you to think I need you for your depency... because I DO NOT.. i have been in the business for 35 years.. i know how to work and book and schedule and repeat when it is needed, so the point I am saying here is this.. get Yourself together.... Get your SHIT together.... its a Real world out here not Disneyland! These people pay good money for fair quality hard working entertainers who performs and great fair pageants! No offense but there are 2 pageants in this State that have National that dont go nowhere.. No offense to any of the brothers or sister at any of these. i have reign in both.. not going to lie ..because of a passion i thought people really had about a system And again at 53 i was wrong. So until this attitude and corruption changes, i will continue to stand for what I believe and call your asses out. Make your packet of rules and have a fair contest.. pick qualified judges and an auditor and for god sake quit handing out titles to every Tom, Dick and Hairy and make your system the best..and trust me being appointed in both i cant fix broke if you dont participate in your own repairing as well.. and kids just because you were lucky and win.. how you going to carry yourself with a title when you have no drag or places to work.. seriously.. think on that one for real as i leave this one right here... . so I will add this as an Also factor .. clubs need to be careful with these types of things that are out on, because I know personally it can hurt business... Now i am sure I will be on every Hate page and life will go on. I can assure you of this.. I Shana Nicole will not be a part of this mess.. so do what you gotta do and make It quick and reply with your decsion.. because then I can take my next step of my drag career for 2015.. its called get rid of the shit drama ... If you feel I have overstepped my boundaries here then so be it.. you can gladly have my position and hand it to a runner up.. it want cause me no grief or problems getting my next booking. But i thought its time for the Real People to hear about this and hopefully stand up and help stop the foolish acts !!! I can fix my mess when made and so can you , but I cant fix stupid. I hope somewhere I helped a Queen in the future to listen and choose wisely and not destroy her career before its too late!.. Been there Done That! This is it for now .. sorry it was a little long. Xoxo Shana Nicole
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:34:29 +0000

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