((Ok, now lets have a little history about Prussia, yes?)) But - TopicsExpress


((Ok, now lets have a little history about Prussia, yes?)) But why him? ((Shhh, let me begin. Weve all heard of the Second World War, right? As in any war, there were taken decisions after his termination, also known as stipulations. One of the lesser-known provisions of the 1947 peace treaty aimed dissolution of Prussia as a state. Allies decide not to make the same mistakes of 1919, made that decision to be sure that they will not see again the revival of militarist state considered guilty for German problem that threw Europe into two world wars. History of Prussia as a great power beginning in the eighteenth century, during the reign of Frederick the Great. Military successes and modernizing reforms have transformed a backward state in one of the most advanced European countries. Thereafter, the nineteenth century brought the Golden Age of Prussia. After the Congress of Vienna, which reconfigures the map of the European continent after the Napoleonic wars, Prussia expand territorially and experienced a significant economic and political development. Consequently, the German Empire, revived in 1871, will have in center Prussia, King of Prussia from the tynasty Hohenzollern received the imperial crown. The direction of Prussian development, began in the reign of Frederick the Great, will make this state to acquire the image of a strong political construction, characterized by professionalism and efficiency, but also aggression and ultraconservatism miltiarism. At the end of World War I, Wilhelm II abdicated both as German Emperor and King of Prussia, and the state move to a republican form of government. Prussia thus become part of the Federal Republic of Weimar. But it was not the same as the prewar Prussia. Most of the territories lost by Germany by the Treaty of Versailles were Prussian territories. Belgium receives Eupen and Malmedy, Denmark takes Northern Schleswig, Lituania takes Klaipeda region, Hlučín comes into possesion of the new Czechoslovak state, and the Poland reborn gets Posen, West Prussia and Upper Silesia. Despite these significant territorial losses, Prussia was still the largest state of the Weimar Republic. The new governors have considered the posibility of breaking the Prussian in several political entities, but eventually gave up the idea. Thus, Prussia represented 60% of the Germany territory. In the 20s, Prussian policy was dominated mainly by leftist political forces (Prime Minister Otto Braun was the Social Democratic Party), however, right-wing parties (Democrat and Catholic) played a significant role. Until the Nazis came to power, the political regime in Prussia never exceeded the boundaries of democracy. The state failed to escape the stigma of past militarism. After the start of the war and the Nazi conquest of Europe, Hitler would not restore the Prussian state in its historical, choosing to include the former Prussian territories in other provinces such as Danzig-West Prussia and Wartheland. Thus, even before 1945, Prussia lost its territorial identity from the past. In addition, the summary measures taken by the Nazi regime in the 30s already faded distinct political identity of the state. After 1945, the German territorial losses for Poland and the Soviet Union, drawn by the Oder-Neisee line, and the territorial reorganization from the zone of the occupation Anglo-Franco-American practically erased Prussia from the map. However, the Allies felt the need to introduce in the treaty of peace a clearly prevision about the official abolition of Prussia. 25 February 1947 marks thus, the date of disappearance of this state as an administrative unit if Germany. Gow to explain this decision? Despite the democratic development of the interwar period, Prussia still keep in the mind of English and French the image of a militarist state. In their view, Prussia was a state with an anti-liberal political culture, intolerant, with a historical inclination toward authoritarianism and militarism. Thus, in this tradition, Prussia was blamed for the outbreak of World War I and for paving the way for Hitlers power. Churchill himself said in September 1943 that the heart of Germany is Prussia. There are recurring source of this epidemic. Therefore, Prussia had to go.)) //Aiko Kagami//Romanias admin//
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 12:29:26 +0000

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