Ok now this is David Brown a homless Navy vet as i was lving the - TopicsExpress


Ok now this is David Brown a homless Navy vet as i was lving the VA today i sat in the outside rest a bit he came up to me asked n told him thnkx no thnkx + he says can u help me down the ramp ( @ VA they got this very steep ramp ) n im afraid ill fall with my broken hip i have here ?? + i.told him sure thing + with ;) on his face hes says thnk k and like ure jacket ( was wearing my KofC ) u know i got this wheelchair here last year here n i love it n i asked him are u veteran ?? + he told me ;) Navy 1969 _1974 + ( a ;( look on his face ) now.i have no where to live :_(_ talk about hit.me where it hurts i asked Ill see.if i can find u a place ok + again ;_(_ tears on this guy face he says thank u n i have no phone n can i have ure number so i can call u ????? + once i get a phone.ill call u.ok ???? + sure ok here is my number n u call me n ill.tell u.ill.add u.in my prayers.ok ??? + he told ;) God Bless u n can i ask u a favor ??? + i told him sure +.he asked ( he gave me $5 Bill n he wanted a Pepsi ) can.u buy me a Pepsi ?? + told him ok sure be right back + while was at the local gas stato sometjing told me Jerry thats a blessing ure doin n thats a calling for u for n or thats why u joined the.kofc like u did n im sure u will see this guy again real soon so i came back gave him his change n Pepsi he says ;) thank u n ill call u once i get a phone n pls help,me a get.a place ok ;) ?????? N i says will u be here tomorrow hes says maybe here at the VA this where i hangout sometimes to sleep here i told hom ill tru n help u ok ;) ok n God bless u he shook my hand wit a ;) Bus came begore i got on he suluted me n ;) + says to me ill call u soon if i dont see u ok ;) i told him no problem Buddy n thank you for ure service as a veteran for what u done here in the country i sulute u ( i saluted him ) + i left u know n now friends lets all extend.prayers for my new Friend David Brown ok hopefull Lord.Jesus can provide.him a home n be ;) n u know while i was.on the Bus ( ;_(_ a Lil ) + thinming do i do good by helping a veteran or just being there @ the Rt.time or Rt.place or was it a calling to me from Lord.Jesus ??????? ( note his wheelchair friends ) give me ure thought friends only on this post ok my friends of the following Rommel Lopez Bryant Dexter Collado James Larson Arturo Baldonado Rouel Lagmay Elmer Padua Amador Ramos Donny Banico Dannie Diaz Mardi Birch n other i know on here who are my friends !!!!!!!!!! ;) ( prayers add em.if u want ok ?? ) ++ ;_(_ 3_22_2014 @ 12pm this happend to me @ VA long beach n ...................................... ( Lord Jesus i come to u tonight for my new Friend David Brown pls provide him a warm home n a family for him tonight k n a place where he can be safe n warm ok i ask this in the name of ure father AMEN !!!!!!!!!! ) ;) { pls comment n no likes ok }
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:18:07 +0000

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