Ok peeples, Elliott hear. I needs some advice....what the hell are - TopicsExpress


Ok peeples, Elliott hear. I needs some advice....what the hell are we gonna do wiff Hammer? Last Friday we wuz all headed out to do sum long wayted releases. 1 Coopers Hawk an 10 lil opossums. Well it wuz hotter than hell and the furst release wuz gonna bee the CH. Anywhoze we gets to the gate to get onto the propertee and Hammer got out to unlock the gate. Well the lock woodnt turn for her. So in her infinite wizdom of bein an idiot she klimbs the gate and gets her stupid ass brace kot on the rail an proceeds to fall off. Thatll learn her as the sign sait no trespassing an no hunting (just kidding cuz she has permission to brake in anytime from the owners). Well after draggin herself out of the dirt yu wooda thot she mite give it a rest. But not the Hammer...she took the bird under the raleroad tressel and released the bird. Poor Trudy tryed to get the hard head to stop and all she did was get back in the kar an off they went to Bakersfield fur the next release. As you kan cee in the fotos she lanted on a rock on her back (nice job huh?). The next searies of fotos show her owies. Other than hasin a little truble walkin an her ass hurtin (shud bee her brane aking), I asked Hammer if there was anything she lernt from this exsircise in stupidity? Furst thing she said was , I woodnt had felld if the damn brace hadnt got kot on the rale . Tipakal ansir. Even Ollie kant beleave her...wunder why.So now stupid is gonna call her Dr. strait away on Monday mornin. God how did you peeples put up with her? Then ya all wondurs why CM an me are buddies. Any advice wood surely beze presheated. Thanx guys fur yur pinyuns. Stay safe out therze ant Carrion..Elliott out :> ♡
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 00:19:06 +0000

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