Ok people ,please read my statement or summation on the the whole - TopicsExpress


Ok people ,please read my statement or summation on the the whole Vybez Kartel incident that has been on facebook for days ! Looking back and assessing this whole vybes kartel situation ..... The justice system have spoken and @ the end of the day we must respect there decision .Separate and apart from the fact that kartel might be facing life , there are so many sad FACTS to take away from this octopus situation where we need many hands . On one hand one can safely argue that kartels cockiness , unchecked ego , disrespect for moral values , disrespecting god , and obvious propensity for violence proved to be his undoing . On another hand there is the system playing the age old card of scapegoating the the situation to there advantage using vybes kartel as the perfect poster child for all things negative about ghetto and dancehall . Lauding this as a victory for the justice system as if the state has never won a criminal case in the history of jamaica before .One can also argue that the result Of the case and the over exaggeration of it ,is based solely on his popularity and that there is no particular bias or nefarious intention at the center of the outcome . But isnt the numerous politicians who commit acts of crime against this nation over the years just as famous But yet ,never held accountable ? . Therefore there can be no victory for the justice system without balance ,equality or the same pursuit of justice on both sides . On another hand there is the fact much of who are criticizing now are not haters , but fans who are extremely disappointed that this man ,Who achieved almost legendary status as a dancehall artiste and had even much further to go ,threw it all away and for a reason that cannot have them defending him in even the least of ways. Then there are those who are afflicted with the same psychosis who can relate to kartels self destructive behavior , or just lovers of his music who support him in protest with chants of free worlboss the same man who some would say , just like a true politician manipulated these ignorant people by appealing to their lower selves telling them what they want to hear as opposed to what they need to hear , going as far as calling them MINDLESS SHEEP these are people who should be considered truly ignorant as they never question why they live in a country whos leaders are the educated minority who covet the significance of education by using the mainstream media and politics to glamorize ignorance and promote division .They never stop to ask why they dont understand one word in the speeches used address the nation or read the budget then wonder why they are poor and disenfranchised .Even though some arent that uneducated , they are just immune to the harsh realities of ghetto life or all of the above ,which sees them not trusting the system that abuses them on a daily basis . One can argue that ,Ironically none of the above who suffer at the hands of the system are not willing to protest for better wages or against exorbitant taxes ,high gas prices ,ridiculously high light bills etc . These or those who would not stand up for people or artistes who actually empower them. These are those who subscribe to the only the hype in any situation but are never cognoscente of that fact .. Isnt Shawn storm cambel and the rest of co accused facing the heat too ? On another hand there is the family of Clive lizard Williams to who I must offer my sincerest condolences Im sure they are overwhelmed with grief anguish and an omnipresent sense of loss ,as I too have lost my son Zion in 2007 under violent circumstances . And at that time as I suspected everything came down to weather these lawmen who were supposed to be professionals ,were fans or not . My assessment was based on their disrespectful comments which included because you name twins of twins you feel you can tell police what to do ? Yuh want to come here all seven years and nothing come out of this?after which we were subsequently booted from the station . Just three days after that I was contacted by the same police informing me that they received intelligence that we were planning a retaliation against the suspected culprits and threatened to pursue us with the full length of the law if we carried it out , if I did Im sure I or both of us would be awaiting kartel at the penitentiary today . believe it or not , to this day the police havent left the station to investigate my sons death . On another hand there are those who say Kartel intelligent , why would him do that ? They need to know or remember that common sense is not so common and intellect doesnt always mean wisdom . Some will say that if one feels or retains any sadness or pity for kartel then it means you support what he has allegedly done . I detest these pretentious , politically correct , educated dunce bats who pretend they dont know that support doesnt always mean endorsement ! Does it mean that his mother , sisters close friends and family members who are broken hearted and extremely saddened by the outcome endorse his alleged behavior ?should all the good that Im sure he has done for a lot of people be forgotten ? Should all the people that benefited from his benevolence who he took from the bowels of poverty and gave them a life through music abandon him now in his darkest hour , regardless of their differences ? Im sure many in the industry shied away because of not wanting appear as if they want to capitalize from the publicity surrounding the case and thats a good reason but not for all those he helped . His whole lifes work and significant contribution to the dancehall culture is now measured by this alleged murder . To some he is a devil and to others a savior , there is no one man who can be one thing or one way to everybody . On another hand there are those who fail to realize that these artiste are human beings who are susceptible to flaws and as such should expect them to make errors . On another hand there are those who are the embodiment of all the people listed above On another hand there are those who are the embodiment of all the people listed above .... But with the further capacity to asses understand and therefore forgive and move on despite the disappointment in the outcome . These are those who not only seek to understand but also seek enlighten other people with there assessment . These are those who want people to take from this ,extreme lessons on humility , ignorance , excessive pride ,ego , the value of freedom , true friendship and spiritual misappropriation . My prayers kartel , the co accused and both families in this turbulent time . To the disheartened fans theres an option called forgiveness , it lightens all burdens Bless up ( curly lox) Sent from patrick Gaynor Now click the following link to see todays paper about my same statement and tell me if you saw one exclamation sign to indicate or suggest that I patrick curly lox gaynor came out blasting .Then compare them and asses if the tone of my statement or summation was even angry. Does it sound like all I wanted to say was kartel is being scapegoated by the system ?. Did you notice the exclusion or the leaving out of key words or phrases that could highlight that I was speaking for all sides ? This post is not me in any way shape or form coming down on the paper ,but should serve as clarification of the fact that what was written can be misunderstood mainly in relation the headline . jamaica-star/thestar/20140318/ent/ent1.html#.UyiKWvz10R0.email
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:08:30 +0000

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