Ok post 1, Well all the people out in internet land I woke up very - TopicsExpress


Ok post 1, Well all the people out in internet land I woke up very early did the stove thing around 3:00, back to the sack, then was awakened at 5:30 because sweety could not get back to seep from 3:00, so I have to pay. I reenter the sack and try my best but fail also. I give in and arise and struggle to the kitchen, grab the pills and trusty Tylenol cause Auther is around and waiting. I was on my feet and functioning knew who I was and recognized my sweety so God is good. This is an early exercise day and I must be there around 6:30. Coffee is on and I snatch a cup, hit the recliner and slip on the cloths. Write in my journal and catch some early news and weather, on the dish. Check on some things on smarta-- phone and F.B. Around 6:30 I enter my trusty stead fire it up and it works good. Dash into town and approach the said address at a slow speed on the new garage door with a little anticipation and intimidation. I enter the premises swoop up the changer and hit the recliner and recline. Pop the on button and sail the dish seas, while fumbling with the phone and trying to get FB. Need 2 hands to handle a smarta-- phone. You know I do have Alise I could probably call on her and do all this stuff voice activated???? I may try that later. Kids up and get ready and shuffle off to the gym and prepare to shake their booties, or something relating to weight loss and toning of mussel fibers. I dont know if they do zemba but if its anything like I have seen on the dish oh boy crazy workout. Well some where my youngest no. 3 grandson comes out and jumps in the chair with me and his mom throws a quilt that Memaw made and we snuggled up tight and we watched News and weather and history channel till I thought his head would burst with all that knowledge. It finnaly get so bad he has to do some pay station uge some kind of warrior thing hes good I dont play. No. 1 Grandson came out and tried to get in chair with us but he has grown so long he hangs all over, and he is clumsy, his feet are big and his arms and legs are long, I call him long shanks and flopsey mopsey. Well he tried and did get a purchase under the quilt and straggled all over me and Rhys it was a hilarious sight legs and arms every where. Well I decide to untangle myself and retreat to the kitchen waiting the return of said exercisers. They were running late and I didnt get away till 7:40 something. I leaped into my now trusty stead and fired it up the first time and scooted over to Main St. buzz on down to Main Cross. The Dave Spear Old Venro new project is well advanced and looking pretty good that guy can work. I sail on down Market to the fabulous Micky Ds and get in drive through and purchase a large breakfast with pancakes a sausage biscuit and hit the road for home and zip up the drive slide in and unload the loot. Fix the plates and pour the coffee and dig in. Then Selene ask me wasnt I going to the Charlestown Breakfast Club Meeting? Oh boondoggle bladder headed dooma flotchey, I completely forgot about that. Buggers and bottle flies. Well we ate our fare and discussed my memory or lack there of. I should have contacted someone, but I only text and the 2 fellows that are there dont. Well we discussed our day and we made a list that I will execute in do order. It wasnt very long but required me to Hit the ATM, get flush, and some push water in the van, deliver a plate and cake cover thingamathing to Betty Coombs door, slip by the big blue post office exterior box and deposit a letter, and drop off the water bill to city hall. Then stop in at the Jay-C store and purchase a few odds and ends I didnt get Tuesday. Then fly over to Henryville and pay the toe bill. Selene is in major high gear running down to the final on this decoration of Christmas thing and her goal is in sight, go girl. I am with you in spirit if not in my mind for your support. So all that figured out I finish getting my duds on and shoes and hit the bricks so to speak. Well I sail down the road to Chase drive through and try the ATM, someone is in front trying to retrieve some cash but is having difficulty tries a few more times, gives up and parks over to the side, I pull up knowing Im in fine shape and figure he has depleted his funds and I will sail right through. erson lane and talk to the said person Ha think again I try several times and the whole thing is kinkey and would not follow my instructions. So I squeal out turn right and zoom around to the talk to a person, I said your ATM is not working, she said yes I know and said flush me with some cash and she did. I slipped out and tooled on down the road grabbed 20.00 worth of gas at Swiftys, slipped by Bettys place and dropped of the containers then wheeled down the ally running past the VFW and entered the Street Main Cross and did a wide turn to the left and then a sharp turn to the right slipped into the letter box slid the letter in and was off. Stopped by the City Building and paid the water bill, made my way to Jay-C and whizzed through without a hitch got said list everything Seleney Girl wanted and beat it back to the house in record time. Unloaded the purchases and dropped them in the kitchen and was off to Henryville to pay the toe. It was a beautiful day and I slipped along fairly fast along curvy windey160 and pulled into Furnishes and enquired about my bill and after rummaging through her files came up with said bill. $95.00 for a toe, well I about dropped my socks shirt and my pants all in that order. She ask me if there was something wrong and I sucked it up and some air and said no and paid her. Got my receipt and promised myself to frame it and hang it on my wall. $95.00 bucks, samolies, beans, cash, dollars, Im to old I can remember when, dont go there, Marion Bare would come out in the middle of the night and get us out of a ditch or trees or pond for a few bucks and no questions ask or given. So I head on home in a much slower pace and a much changed state of mind. $95.00 for a toe. Well I get home and reluctantly tell Selene the devastating news. She said she thought that was about right, within her budget and fine. What? fine, as in ok, no sweat, that kind of thing. Yea I have the bookmobile toed all the time and that sounds about right. Ok. $95.00 ok fine, no problem, square, so I let it go. I have 1 more thing to do, I received in my mail box a magazine Country Living but not addressed to me or Selene but the neighbor across and down the road Mrs. Pop. This has been happening quit a bit, 1st one then another I feel like I work for the post office but I dont get paid. I saw the cover and saw country and thought it was My country mag. and opened and then discovered my mistake and the postal delivery person, and I said well since its open I think Ill sneak a peak inside, and I did. You think thats reading other peoples mail????? So I write her a note about the mistake and go down and deliver it to her mail box. Slip it in undetected and burn rubber. As I was coming back I saw a sign on the right of a horse and buggy an Amish sign???I was so amazed I took a picture of it. I cannot imagine a horse and buggy on this road, nor bicycles but they come out here in droves the bicycles that is. Big trucks 18 wheelers are forbidden on this road, ha all the time, can you imagine a horse and buggy head on with an 18 wheeler. Man that would be gruesome. Well Selene is about done and she called it a day and said I need supper and Im not cooking and neither are you and I said where, and she said yes Cracker Barrel. So we cleaned up and jumped in the trusty beast and zoomed over to our or my favorite spot and got right in and of course I ordered my usual the Sampler, yes Meat Loaf, chicken and dumplings with sugar cured ham, pinto beans cole slaw and fried apples, normally I get a tall glass of sweet iced tea but for some reason coffee. Selene got the chicken casserole and okra, and carrots, with a diet coke, MMMMM cant be beat. So we are home and Selene is tweeking things she has the cleanup in kitchen and to decorate the bedroom and she is finished. On time and none the worse for ware. Well we are in our assigned spots her on the couch and me in my recliner, and its that time again, yes jammy time so the cold is here to stay and I would recommend long johns and heavy jammys along with a big furry dog maybe 2. Remember to be good to one another, pray for all, and remember God is good. AMEN. And thats it from Greggy Boys soggy pages for all you paid and unpaid subscribers of those said pages, here on Lonesome Cedar Curve, on old 39 now Co. Rd. 160 at Soggy Bottom Dr. oh and all the soreheads of Scottsburg I bid yall a good night and a Happy Thanks Giving. Remember those who are in pain and have lost someone or are alone in this season and stop and wish them well, and call them and let them know someone cares.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 02:06:41 +0000

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