Ok ppl, Im really trying to be a more positive person but this is - TopicsExpress


Ok ppl, Im really trying to be a more positive person but this is one vent that I must get out. I see soooo many ppl posting negative stuff online about the whole Robin Williams suicide, its so sad that an amazing person has been lost, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder many yrs ago, if you dont know anyone with this disorder or dont have it yourself you have no idea what these ppl go through, severe depression and manic disorder make you feel so incomplete and make you feel like your never good enough, I dont care how much money or loved ones you have in your life, its a mental illness that is hard to manage! Ive seen ppl that like to judge others when their life is no where perfect! If you cant hold a relationship, have raised children with drug problems, been institutionalized or have family that has been or are just an evil, mean person dont judge the mentally ill! Your no better than anyone else. Dont pist negative stuff on FB when you dont know someone else situation. I lost my brother in law many years ago due to a mental illness and I dont appreciate ppl judging other when you are faaaarrrrrr from perfect! Thats the end of my vent and I hope everyone had a great day! Only god, the creator or whatever you believe can judge or if you dont believe in anyone I dont mean any disrespect, you are your biggest critic!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:33:44 +0000

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