Ok serious question. Anyone can answer who has knowledge of this - TopicsExpress


Ok serious question. Anyone can answer who has knowledge of this Deen of ours. Now, you have a hypothetical situation..youre the parents of children and its time for salat. Lets say fajr for the sake of argument. And you happen to be the first one up every day. It becomes your job to wake em all up rite? And whoevr wakes up first, that job belongs to that person then, rite? Now, if Im sitting, having finished salat and the rest of the family is still sleep,Im sittin watchin everyone sleepin thru it,(fajr) then what does that say about or to me? Now if one of my kids say to me yo Pops, it aint kool that you sittin here on FB, and they aint got up yet Do I then slap my kid? Do I tell my kid yo dont judge me! And if I say in a sarcastic tone..shit if I didnt wake you up you would nevr get up? Would that be correct? Seriously? It is a plot of the shaytaan that makes you or me believe we r special, better than, or make us believe we are not to be questioned because we at least made fajr on time. And the one who reminds you to do good is not your enemy. Your enemy is the one who reminds you to do good an then convinces you that youre Finished in your task..And if you think that person is judging you then you have become what the shaytaan has ordered. Rite or wrong? To get mad at a person who expresses their opinion, an opinion they got from the most respected scholars this Deen has, to get mad at them is ignorance, pride and a disease of the heart..all deniers of entry into the Garden because you cant have a pure heart with those characteristics. You cant. So Im asking all of you Muslims to be humble. Be humble to the one who suggests a good thing . Be humble to the truth cause the truth no matter who it comes from, its originally from your Maker..who does not wish to see you fail. Ameen . Open forum
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:37:45 +0000

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