Ok...sigh... We are thinking of coming to the UK in an attempt to - TopicsExpress


Ok...sigh... We are thinking of coming to the UK in an attempt to find brothers and sisters that may wish to help us with manifesting a brighter future. A new paradigm. This has been one hell of a roller coaster ride these last years. Awakening! I have listened to many about much. Attempted to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Some of the best information i have come across, I now KNOW to be truth. ( At least...MY truth. ) I have researched very deeply into certain topics, and where possible experimented for myself and found them to be true. Such as the magical ability of distilled liquids to detoxify the human body and cure folk of what appears to be ANY ailment. Even if those people have only been given weeks to live by doctors TRAINED by the institution. Thankfully more and more doctors are having the courage now to come forward and admit their mistake and the benefits for all of putting H2O into our water based bodies and not H2O plus this toxin or that inorganic matter. Pure water. Most information, i have no way of knowing if it is true or not. It may resonate with me, but i have also learnt that not all that resonates is truth. Misinformation, propaganda, etc is after all designed to resonate with an element of truth. Many are by now aware that all is not as it appears on the Tell Lies Vision. Humanity has been enslaved with its consent. Giving away our signs of nature ( signatures ) under duress and intimidation and most often not even understanding the full ramifications of giving away our power in this way. Starting with the birth certificate and continueing on through life until one dies or takes responsibility for ones life. Many of those will also be aware of, and or, can see for themselves where things are heading. Well known and highly dangerous toxins and poisons are not, despite what some followers still believe, added to our drinking water supplies, at great expense, to improve our health. They are not spraying the skies all over the planet, especially the highly populated areas, in order to combat global warming, as those that demand an answer are being told. Millions of souls on this planet have already figured these things out. Why some can see the glaringly obvious and some cannot or refuse to, is still a mystery to me, but thankfully millions have, and more are awakening every day. The atrocities that we are allowing to take place on this planet due to our selfish comfort is a disgrace to us all. I for one will not be a part of it ANY LONGER. The so called queen of England and the rest of her stolen empire has enough money to stop the starvation and suffering in third world countries once and for all and still be the richest individual on the planet by a long shot. And yet she is the figure head for our courts that are supposed to find justice!!!? Society is ill. Very ill. Folk are walking around like zombies unaware of their enslavement in a society that depends on the continuation of suffering and the rape of our planets limited resources and resulting pollution that is rising to levels that i care not think about too much. This message is for my brothers and sisters that have reached similar conclusions and that are looking for a solution, so that our children and the children of poor countries can wake up happy in the future without a paralyzing fear and gloom hanging over them. A beautiful future where we share what the earth can provide...and learn all the incredible things there are to learn without the daily drudgery of 9 to 5 in order to keep this soulless system operating. This future can and will be real eyesed if we act. I believe the game has already been won in fact....but without the appropriate action the new paradigm cannot be manifested. Please respect my wishes on my own wall NOT to reply with ego and fear driven responses to this. Much love to you all...the future is right around the corner but it will not be handed to us on a plate. We have to claim it. This is not a popularity competition. Thousands are NOT needed...only the right ones with the right actions. In honor and with love and respect for all. xxxx
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 18:41:37 +0000

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