Ok, so I NEVER do this but I just gotta say it one time! I am - TopicsExpress


Ok, so I NEVER do this but I just gotta say it one time! I am beyond sick and tired of this B.S. acceptance game we play as American black men. I walk down the street or into a store and I have to be the one to soothe, validate or downplay the frightened, angry or defensive look that I receive from just about any race, economic group, demographic or nationality that I encounter on a DAILY basis. This has been going on since I was a teenager and has only geared up since I started growing my dreads. I get the fact that , especially in Chicago, you NEED to be on point. I get that. 30 years of being silently apologetic about something that I should never have to be anything but proud of is an insidious and invasive method of keeping us as a race under the thumb of the majority populace without even having to speak a word. That pervasive attitude that we all face, including our president, is just another more subtle way for the CURRENT majority to remain racist without actually having to say or do anything openly and blatantly prejudiced. Just another way to soothe their conscience by saying, Im not racist. Ive never even spoken to a Black. or some such other idiotic excuse for the attitudes I face daily. All I really have to say is this; if you see a change in my attitude in the next few months, youll know why. I am no longer subjecting myself to this B.S. Period. I have not decided exactly how I plan to combat this mess, but fight I will. Feel free to join me on this quest for the respect that I demand, deserve and WILL claim for not just me, but for every individual that knows implicitly how this feels! Peace, Im out!
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 02:18:01 +0000

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