Ok so I admit to having watched a bit of the Miss Universe pageant - TopicsExpress


Ok so I admit to having watched a bit of the Miss Universe pageant (Im gay - its in the rule book that we MUST watch at least a portion of that and several other pageants along with any Barbara Streisand, Cher, Kathy Griffin or Margaret Cho show as well as The Oscars - its the price of being gay...) and two things were running through my mind.... 1. When did skeletons in ugly bathing suits become the standard of beauty? How do these women survive without eating?? What happened to women with real womens bodies... women are supposed to have curves - any shape other than a preying mantis stick body is good really. Did they have to tie the women to the stage in case a mild breeze were to blow through, taking these paper dolls along with it? WTF? 2. The other thought (that was happening simultaneously) was that there really should be a variety of beauty pageants (after all - everyones concept of beauty is different...) - a Trailer Trash Princess Pageant perhaps? How about a Perfectly Girl pageant? A Ginger Bread Queen pageant for red heads only? A MIDGET BEAUTY PAGEANT!!! Midgets are the future of the human race you know... theyre small so they take up less space, use less resources - they ARE the perfect human beings! Youll see... one day youll ALL see and I will laugh heartily and long at you on that glorious day! What was I talking about again..... ?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 04:01:59 +0000

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