Ok so I am probably going to upset some people with this post but - TopicsExpress


Ok so I am probably going to upset some people with this post but it is how I feel!! Yes it is a shame Robin Williams is gone and yes I liked a couple of his movies but everyone is talking like he was some big hero and I am sorry to say this but he was just a man. Yes he struggled with depression and mental illness but he had all the money he needed to get the help he needed, many others do not. Where is all the sympathy for our veterans who make almost nothing and come back from war so emotionally and mentally scared some can hardly function!! Where is the out cry to the government to help them? Where are all the posts from people saddened by their mental state?? They put their lives on the line everyday all over the world, where are the cries of outrage when they commit suicide because they did not have the money to get the help they needed and the government turned a blind eye to them??? These are the true heroes! I include our police and fire men and women and first responders in this also!!! All the athletes get paid outrageous money to chase a leather ball up and down a court or field and think they are entitled to be above the law in many cases!! We have misplaced our priorities in this country!!! Where are all the people demanding that our soldger who is held captive in Mexico be freed immediately?? Why arent they all over the internet asking our government to get him back??? Wake up people and look up to the people who have your backs daily not some comedian or ball player who will never lay down his life for you!!! Dear God turn this country around and back to you!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:27:17 +0000

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