Ok so I talk on fb all the time. If Im honest I mainly pm but - TopicsExpress


Ok so I talk on fb all the time. If Im honest I mainly pm but thats just my way. Anyway I realised I wanted to share what I said to Michelle earlier because I think you might relate to it so here goes : The thing is I d let my brain go to sleep ! The grind was all I concentrated on for soooo many years I forgot who I was and just concentrated on my career . Ok I did alright - Ive been my own boss for about 28 years but there was something missing. ME ! I was playing a role as a Boss . Full of self importance and the good I was doing for the people under my employ. And yes , I had the Penthouse flat and the sports car in the driveway ( and the token glam woman on my arm lol ) But something has always been missing ! When I was small I was far more in tune with my inner self. They say you spend your whole life un-learning the knowledge that youre born with. How true is that ? Then I had a eureka moment and someone switched the light on ! I was The Boss but in reality I was working my ass off for the very people who were working for me ! I was covering holidays, sickness days off, sorting out pay and tax and meanwhile not getting a day off or even any thanks from the people I was paying ! All they cared about was themselves and their rights ! Fair enough ! Everybody has to put themselves first - that is what drives 97% of people in the world. But when I witnessed an argument between my staff about what order they were going to take their holiday and realised it meant me working to cover them 6 weeks non - stop I knew something had to change ! And it did. I took the dogs out for a walk about 11pm looked up to the stars and asked for help. Id heard about asking the Universe to guide you but , if Im honest , I didnt really believe all that rubbish ! How wrong I was ! Next day I was slam dunked ! All the people I needed to come into my life did ! Suddenly I became aware of my inner self and knew I had to cut the crap out of my life and concentrate on what was important. I was being given a message and I listened ! And everything has fallen into place ever since. I would not have had the time to spend the majority of my day in complete isolation ( my Daughters were out for the day ) and meditated to such a point I was completely in MY space. To say it was an enlightening day is an understatement. I pushed through ! Im having incredible days ! I feel so alive ! I wish I could pass on this awareness ! Love and light to you all ! Namaste
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:18:24 +0000

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