Ok, so I was given the #11, so here are 11 things you may or may - TopicsExpress


Ok, so I was given the #11, so here are 11 things you may or may not have known about my pregnancy! 1: We was ready for a baby but it happened quicker than we thought it would! 2: We found out right after Christmas! 3: I was positive it was a boy ( Patrick Adams said it was a girl from the beginning! 4: Other than Patrick and I our moms were the first to find out it was a girl! We had a reveal party to tell the rest of our family! 5: I craved tons of things but mostly bacon and tomato sandwiches and Waffle House hash browns! 6: I had awful heart burn my whole pregnancy. About the 6 month mark I had to sit up against 4 pillows to sleep, I couldnt stand to lay down because the heart burn was so bad! I also slept on 2 body pillows because my back hurt so bad! 7: The last 3 months I thought my ribs were broke because Madelyn kept her feet in them (literally)!! I remember about a month before she was born laying in my in-laws camper( my birthday trip camping( ps: not a good idea if 8 months prego)) anyways I was laying in the camper crying and couldnt breathe because my ribs hurt so bad! 8: I worked up until I was 30 days before Madelyns birth! 9: I was induced early because my blood pressure was so high, I was in hard labor 15 hours and pushed for 2 hours! 10: I ended up having an emergency c-section because I was running a high fever, the dr wasnt even gonna tell our family. Our moms got curious after they didnt hear anything for a while and they ran into the dr in his way to the OR! 11: Madelyn had to go to the NICU because she had fluid in her lungs, she would stop breathing sometimes. (Scary!) I didnt get to hold her until she was already here for almost 2 hours!!! All that said, it was all worth it and Id do it a million times over for my Maddie-bug!!! Like my status for a # 󾌰
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 01:11:12 +0000

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