Ok so Im going out on a limb here. Some people need to realize how - TopicsExpress


Ok so Im going out on a limb here. Some people need to realize how their actions affect others... I read a post where a woman clad in a bikini was tanning on a beach.... Some young people (2 guys and 1 girl) were laughing at the woman, and making jokes. All because the woman was in a bikini and has stretch marks on her body... I have stretch marks galore, mainly from Kaleb. I was barely 100lbs soaking wet before I had him. The day I had him I hit 185lbs. I got even bigger with Desirae. I got bigger with Laylah and Jonathan.... Ive struggled with my weight for a really long time. I have more stretch marks than a tiger has stripes... I may not like my weight or my stretch marks, but theyve come from the best things Ive ever done in my life. And that was give birth to 4 amazing children. You may want to laugh at my size, or make jokes about my stretch marks. But let me ask you this... Have you ever housed a growing life inside of your body, that you nurtured and helped grow and protect for 9 months?! If the answer is no, then you have no right to pick on someone whos a little heavy and bears stretch marks.... A woman could be bearing stretch marks to a child she carried in her body, and for whatever reason the child is no longer here on earth. Not only would you be making fun of her body, but youd also be making fun of the child that didnt survive. You can laugh and make jokes about a persons body all you want. That just shows how heartless you are. And its also an invite for karma to step in and make a visit. No I may not ever wear a bikini. No I may not ever be 130lbs again, but my body is better than what it could be after having 4 children. My body is better than what it could be, considering my past... Go ahead, make jokes. Im game. But I will defend myself. And whatever may come out of my mouth may hurt. The truth hurts. And Im not scared to let the truth come out. My stretch marks will never change. My kids will change. My stretch marks will never go away. My kids will eventually move out, have a family of their own. Ill always have my stretch marks, as a reminder of the best things Ive ever done, and that was give birth to 4 children.... I know its a long post. But I needed get this out. Youll never know how your actions or words will affect someone until after its happened... Have a filter between the brain and the mouth. Karma is waiting its next victim who doesnt have respect for people or life.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:47:43 +0000

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