Ok, so I’ve been quiet on here for a long time. I know, I know, - TopicsExpress


Ok, so I’ve been quiet on here for a long time. I know, I know, you all want to know what dark thoughts have been passing through my mind. Itching for news as to what Macabre might be up to. Well, the truth is, I have been forced to regroup, to gather my resources to come back stronger than ever. Ah, but as always, I’m getting ahead of myself, skipping passed the reasons to show only the crime. In order to comprehend what lies ahead, first we must go back, back to a hot summer’s night in Horsforth, Leeds. See, the walking nightmare was given a chance, an opportunity to hold a title. It might surprise you that I would care about such petty trinkets as leather and metal when I usually deal in pain and fear, a much richer currency in every respect. Yet those titles have a name that links back to my spiritual home, carrying as they do an inscription in Spanish, a raw connection to my real domain. They should have been mine! I would have honoured that belt more than any English wrestler could ever hope. But I was robbed, cheated and denied my destiny. How can I say that? Oh, I hear the doubt in your mind. Let me make a few matters clear to illuminate you. Firstly, yes, it was my shoulders pinned to the mat that ended the match. I know, but you have to ask yourself why that situation came about. Five other people were in that match, and each had a role to play. See, the reason Boogie and the Geek hold those sacred items in their undeserving arms is because they beat two teams that night. Yet, ask yourself how they managed that. Did they fairly display their dominance over Tempest and Stone? Look at the footage and you will see it is my Superkick to the head that knocked what little sense was in Tempest out of him. It was I who hung on Stone’s leg so that he couldn’t break up Wes’ pin. It may have been Wes who held Tempest down, but make no mistake; he was a victim of Macabre. Next, look at how I was pinned. I got dropped on my head by Wes while being driven down as hard as the Geek could manage. Was there a tag? A five count to get the illegal man out of the ring? No. Accept the truth Champs, you cheated to win. Understand, I have no issue with the fact you cheated. In fact, I respect it in any warrior. Yet, you call yourself role-models to the worthless offspring of the fearful masses who surround the ring. Those innocent children look up to you because you invite them to, and you had to resort to cheating to get what you want. Accept the truth, when the moment comes and everything is on the line, you are no different to me. Every bit as selfish, bitter and twisted anyway, the difference is simply that I am honest about it. So while I was getting assaulted, illegally, by two men, where was my partner? The man who assured me he had my back in that fight? Did he rush the ring to try to save me? To even the odds? No, he simply stood on the apron and watched. I know Harris, you aren’t my ally, I get that. You want to hold those belts with Sebb, I understand. But you left me to the mercy of those two vicious cheats and looked on passively. Don’t think I didn’t notice and don’t imagine I’ll forget. So, Nash, Harris, Tempest and Wes, you all had a part to play in this and you will all have to face the consequences of your actions. But you will have to wait. Stone, I’ve seen what you have been promising since the match. I’ve seen the threats. So I broke your nose and you had to have a hospital procedure to get it put right huh? I bet that hurt. I understand you are blaming me for it. My sources say that you have made threats that I will have to pay the piper for what I did very soon. Well, humour me and think about something. What I did to your nose, I did without provocation. I did it when I wasn’t trying to hurt you. Now, you want to make this personal, vowing revenge? What do you think I might do to you now? You better be careful what you wish for, I might decide to make sure you get it. Ah, but see, there is the rub. You have Tempest to watch your back. Wes and Nash have each other and Harris, you have Sebb. See, I’m nobody’s fool. I noticed a problem. I had no one to rely on. Every direction I look, all I have are enemies. So, these last few weeks, I’ve been searching for the solution, and next time I deem it worth my while to communicate with you all, I will share that answer with you. Believe me, sometimes things go from bad to worse. And Grapple Wrestling, remember you brought all this on yourselves. Happy Nightmares all. Macabre.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 16:29:37 +0000

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