Ok, so another scam bought in by ALL.. Do you belive we come - TopicsExpress


Ok, so another scam bought in by ALL.. Do you belive we come from apes? The Darwin theorie.. So you belive, that evolution made us, from apelike species? The apelike species, had super strong bodies, with bones SO MUCH stonger than ours. A chimpansee that is that many times smaller than us, can kill a grown strong male human without a problem! Isn´t evolution about the stongest survives? Adapts the best? But in this case, humans, the evolution suddenly changed its mind, and went the other direction!! :D Made us weaker!! ?? Made us unable to handle nature, took all our fur off. We are skinny, fragile, slow. But oh my god-we know how to plant seeds!!! :D And also, it took millions of years of evolution from ape-like to ape-like species, but then, POOF ---> in 200 000 years, from ape, we had MAN! The missing link - there is no proof what so ever of an human evolution. But this missing link, is just swepped under the rug. How convinient. Do you know who Wallace is? It is Charles Darwins father, who was a 32nd degree Mason. The evoultion of species was an Illuminati program - only the strongest survives. Charles Darwin came from a very strong, influential and rich family. Again, the internet is a comunication vehicle that the world we know of, has never ever had before, and with that comes information from the grassroot people out to the public. NOT ONLY THE INFORMATION THE POWER PEOPLE CHOOSE! So lets start to awake to the new truths that are beeing shared, and grow from the knowlige that is rightfully ours. And stop calling all the information outside of the media and the schoolsystems reforms, for conspiracy theories...
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:01:08 +0000

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