Ok, so let me put it this way. Our forefathers fought and died in - TopicsExpress


Ok, so let me put it this way. Our forefathers fought and died in two world wars - one of which was fought against the very kind of civilization that sparked the recognition of our Charter protected interests - and we do them the honour of running like cowards to hide behind the police when a man is uttering scaring words? Seriously, to my mind this country - a population of lambs becoming ever more subservient to a Police State - dishonours the very foundation upon which our way of life was built. Those opposed to our way of life - qua, terrorists, have struck such a decisive victory; for in Calgary we will run and hide against anomalous threats like a backpack containing cup-o-noodles and some guy yelling mere words. My friends, history demonstrates that Police States are built upon fear. Muster your courage and all Yee who drive cars remember, you risk life and limb everyday yet you happily get behind the wheel. My point is, we are so brave (or obtuse) when engaged in behaviour of convenience but so afraid of the anomalous or non-existent things that we will change our way of life. cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2013/06/11/calgary-bow-tower-police-search-crm.html
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:27:53 +0000

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