Ok, so right as I was getting on to post this I read Angies very - TopicsExpress


Ok, so right as I was getting on to post this I read Angies very heart felt message. Then here I am posting about working out. Lol! Angie, I thank you for starting this group. I dont know half of them personally but here I am sharing my struggles and gains with them. I hope to motivate them as much as they motivate me! So, here is a weird picture of my face, trying to have some fun after a little workout. Did one mile of slow for one minute, fast for two and so on. Then a half mile of a fast walk....yes, the swinging the hips kind of walk (not pretty). Haha! Then I did 7 rounds of 10 sit ups, squats and kettle bell swings. The last several rounds I become one with my kettle bell and used it in all three exercises. Not a lot, but enough to get me moving and sweating. I went to bed with my stomach aching and woke up to it feeling worse. After laying in bed for awhile I talked myself into getting up and doing something about it. Ive noticed that a lot of times my stomach will ache, but often feels better after workout. It gets everything going in there and helps me get what ever is bothering my stomach out faster. The hardest part is just getting going. Once you do you get a little adrenaline and might end up pushing yourself more then you planned! Anyways, wasnt planning writing a story, which is hard for me not to do. Lol! In short...it doesnt have to be 45 minutes of hell to make a difference. Pick a couple exercises to rotate thru just several rounds and push thru them hard. Then be done. And then smile and take a weird pic and share with us the pic and your workout :) Workout what?!?!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:01:59 +0000

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