Ok so the verdict is in....I had my follow up appointment today. - TopicsExpress


Ok so the verdict is in....I had my follow up appointment today. With that said Id like to tell about how God is working in my life. About 2 yrs ago I felt a lump on my breast. At that time I didnt have health insurance and I wasnt sure how I was going to get it taken care of. So I handed it over to God. I prayed and asked for His will to be done and was ready to accept whatever happened. He provided for me to have a free breast exam. The nurse also felt the lump and ordered a free mammogram the very next day which made me believe it was a concern for her. I continued to pray and praise God. I knew His will would be done live or die...whatever I would face. When I went for the mammogram the next day the technician could not find the lump. I was getting frustrated because I couldnt find it either. When God put it in my heart and I heard him say, its not there because Ive taken care of it. A peace just came over me and I was worried that they didnt find it. Its still gone to this day. Well today at my appointment I was told my heart was fine, my lungs looked good, my gall bladder was ok, and they had no idea what could have caused my chest pains. She said she knew I did have chest pains because my blood pressure was up and the meds given at the ER worked. But that she basically didnt know what to tell me.... I wanted to get upset but a peace came over me as I heard that small voice again say I have this... Ive come to believe that when doctors cant explain whats going on or what happened...I can...its my God working in my life...you see He is still performing miracles today. Doctors may not know what happened but God knows it all. The best place to be is in His hands. I almost didnt want to share this but I just have to brag on my God!!! He deserves all the glory and honor! Youve got to know and believe that Gods not dead! He is as much alive and working now as He was in the times of the Bible. I cant imagine my life without Him!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:42:52 +0000

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