Ok team, tonight we have workout two in the athlete zone with - TopicsExpress


Ok team, tonight we have workout two in the athlete zone with Zinjete Moki Focusing on Posterior chain tonight, and the Anaerobic energy system. your body uses three energy systems, first 10 seconds is your ATP (aka Adenosine tri phosphate system) after that fatigues, your Anaerobic system takes over, this can last for roughly 2 mins give or take depending on the athlete and how conditioned they are, after this, your endurance system takes over which is known as your Aerobic system. All these systems are used simultaneously, however depending on two variables, intensity and duration, your body uses predominantly one. Based on the average time of a race, we are focusing on the Anaerobic system keeping in mind that Zinjetes races are usually between 1 and 3 minutes at the most in duration. You can do all the skill acquisition work in the world, but if you do not have the specific conditioning for your sport, you risk fading prematurely and not displaying your full potential. the last segment is a sport specific exercise replicating movement patterns, while strengthening the all important posterior chain! Your posterior chain is the muscles running from between your shoulder blades , right down your spine, into your Glutes and hamstrings, highly responsible for maintaining posture and counteracting the all powerful pushing muscles. A powerful Posterior chain will help Zinjete keep a strong center of gravity on the horse , as well as maintain proper riding technique while counteracting the unpredictability of the horses movements I could rant all night about this! but i will leave it there :) Great work again zinjete on the gruelling regime tonight! Mitch Rae
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:52:19 +0000

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