Ok, there seems to be a lot of controversy even among the few here - TopicsExpress


Ok, there seems to be a lot of controversy even among the few here concerning President Barack Obama, why? .... Whether there is voter fraud involved or not, what does it matter? .... Whether or not He was an actual US Citizen when he was voted into office, what does it matter? .... Whether or not the government has ever lied to the American People, What does it matter? .... Whether or not this President is Christian or Muslim, What does it matter? .... Whether or not this President stood down when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President has placed his Muslim Brotherhood into some of the highest ranking positions of the US Government, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President is signing bills into law that erode away our constitutional rights, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President is loyal to those in Syria that are beheading Christians because they will not deny their faith in Jesus and declare Allah as their GOD, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President while on his world tour stopped in Egypt and declared that it is his intention to be the last elected United States President, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President made a promise to Israel if they would sign a peace accord with the Palestinians the US Government would pay to have the new Jewish Temple Built on the Temple Mount beside the Dome of the Rock, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President is the Anti-Christ of Biblical Prophecy, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President is invited to the dedication ceremony to cut the ribbon of the proposed new Jewish Temple when it is completed, what does it matter? .... Whether or not this President sits on the Throne in the New Jewish Temple once it is dedicated and declares himself to be GOD, what does it matter? .... Whether or not a microchip implant in your right hand or in your temple (Forehead) is required of you to show your allegiance under the Affordable Care Act commonly referred to as Obama Care, what does it matter? What does it matter? Really what does it matter, according to some he was elected by the majority, so what does it matter? When his plan is complete and a Taliban Style Muslim Dictatorship takes over the United States as King, what does it matter? When here in the once great nation of the fallen United States of America, Muslim death squads go from Christian Church to Christian Church beheading those that will not deny Jesus Christ and follow after Allah and the Quarran, what does it matter? Like it or not, for years and years you have been warned, Prophecy of the old and new testaments tells of a time on earth of this great world leader that deceives many with a lying tongue and an enticing voice to cause those that follow him to deny Jesus Christ, oh yeah what does it matter? It matters everything to me and to those that Love Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is my belief and the beliefs of most if not all of the Prophecy Teachers of the world that these are the End Days as spoken of in the Holy Bible. Not everyone of us can be wrong, but everyone of you can. It sickens me to see United States Citizens standing up for this man that they seem to love more then their own families. With the Muslim Jonas Bar Brothers now in charge of our Homeland Security and the fact that the government has put in mandatory production orders for over two billion rounds of ammunition in the name of national security, mine and even your family members are going to witness the fall of this nation simply because, it did not matter, majority vote decided the fate of this once great nation that is in the throws of a government shut down. Just wait and see, if it does not happen, I have made a fool of myself, when it does, remember everyone of you said, what does it matter...... Darrin Sparks
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 04:09:04 +0000

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