Ok this is day 2, 3 and 4 all in one only because I haven’t had - TopicsExpress


Ok this is day 2, 3 and 4 all in one only because I haven’t had time to stop and write them… I am grateful for: 1. My van, that it still runs and gets us where we need to be, even though it really wants to just let go and join all its van buddies in van land. 2. #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 of the Sayres Next Door Club…each and every one of them have their own unique talents, qualities and spirits that are gifts that could have only come from God and they have richly blessed my life. 3. Adversity. For without it I will never be able to recognize when everything is right and on track and just as it needs to be. 4. My Mother. She has provided shelter and sanctuary for my family at great cost and I will never be able to repay her, no matter how hard and how often I try. 5. Friends. New and old (former? Ancient? From my past? Not sure how to say it without insulting ) who I have met and found, that remind me of who I really am and that I do have pieces of my personality and spirit, though I had forgotten them. For the love they share with me through small acts and enormous acts and the gift of friendship I have been lucky enough to have been given I am finding myself again. 6. Sunshine and low humidity! I get to go outside, enjoy the outdoors and play with my kids without worrying if I will land in the hospital. 7. For being a United States Citizen. No matter where I sit politically, I am blessed to be where I am and that my family is relatively safe. While safety isn’t always guaranteed, there are others suffering unspeakable crimes and hatred and war that I and my children will most likely never personally see. I feel for them and the uncertainty and fear they live in every day, hour, minute, second. 8. As a citizen, I still get to believe as I choose to believe, speak my mind and speak out about it, protect myself and my family, defend myself in a judicial system that is fairer than most, and vote for the leaders I want to lead this country. 9. For James. He has faced fears and challenges and has grown as a person. In doing so, he accomplished something he never thought he could and has been an example to our children and future generations of our family. He loves us and tries his best to do what is right and provide for us. I am grateful that with all the choices he made, he chose me. I am not tagging anyone for this anymore. I chose to participate in this Gratitude project because I needed to remind myself what I am grateful for. My intent is not to show off for the world, but to be a reminder to myself and share myself, my faith and testimony, and that great or small, we have all been blessed in some way or another. If along the way you laugh, cry, nod in agreement, or shout in disagreement, or learn something personal about me, I’m fine with that.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:02:17 +0000

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