Ok this might be long...sorry. *Before you look at pictures please - TopicsExpress


Ok this might be long...sorry. *Before you look at pictures please read this*... The other day I was visiting a good friend in Dowell, Il. As we were talking I was looking around at the countryside and noticed his neighbor was flying his American flag upside down. I ask him if the rope was broke because Id be happy to fix or replace it so it would be correct. He said no hes been flying it like that for awhile. For what reason? My friend told me that it was protesting our government and President Obama and the way the country is in decline. Well I know as Americans we are taught from birth that regardless what we think or feel about the people that run our country and decisions our government make that this flag not only represents the United States Of America , but behind these colors are lives lost, memories of sons and daughters who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. However corny some make think that sounds , it happened . So my first thought was to wait til dark...sneak in and cut down and take back the very symbol that my dad fought in Luzon, the Phillipines and New Guinea during WWII for and that I deployed many times overseas from May 92 until July 2003 for. But ...understanding that trouble finds me pretty easy already, I decided no. I went back to talk to the gentleman twice with nobody being home...and after seeing all the NO TRESPASSING signs and knowing ( since my dad was 58 yrs older than me ) that trying to make an older ..sometimes grouchy person understand what your trying to tell them to change doesnt always turn out well. So in hopes that people share this or know the man in Dowell, I would like to tell him this... I understand. I understand your disappointment in our government and the bad things that go on, and yes its your right to fly OUR flag this way. It is freedom of speech ...I know too well about your freedoms because Ive seen so many people sacrifice to protect them. But here is what I would like to show him. My 3 daughters in the second picture showing him 2 of the best ways to display the Flag. Example 1...( from the casket of my wifes great uncle )...upright ...loud and proud showing everyone you are happy to be an American. Example 2 ( from the casket of my Father WWII Veteran , Bronze star recipient JAMES R SHIVLEY)...Folded ever - so - perfectly and handed to my sobbing Mother and now displayed in great respect for his service to our country... All I would hope is that this reaches this man in Dowell and helps him understand that he is not protesting our government by flying our flag this way but instead is greatly disrespecting our American HEROES. Randy Shivley UNITED STATES AIR FORCE...PROUDLY... 5/28/1992-7/13/2003.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:39:13 +0000

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