Ok to say Ive had a bad week could be an understatement, and its - TopicsExpress


Ok to say Ive had a bad week could be an understatement, and its only Wednesday. I cant and wont go into it because its so personal, painful and private that somethings are better left off of social media or at least off of a Facebook page that is open to the public. That being said, we all go thru things left unsaid to our neighbors, our friends and even our families at times. Sometimes its the most painful of circumstances that are the hardest to share. Just speaking transgressions out loud give them more life and seem to take a little more of our soul with each spoken word. As if the tribulation itself wasnt bad enough, having to hash it out and really face it head on is often more painful than the incident itself. Its no wonder many people choose to bury their heads in the sand or pretend things arent falling down around them. I wish I was one of those people. I need to know every detail and talk about everything and try every angle to solve the problem. Some problems can not be solved no matter how hard I try. Sometimes its out of my control because Im not dealing with upstanding characters or people with a moral compass. That is the hardest part for me. Im no saint but I am honest to a fault. I just expect everyone else around me to be the same. Im always to stunned when people arent. I just cant fathom why. What does this have to do with either of these pictures?? Lol. Well, I tend to deal with things in my own way. Im deeply hurt and saddened by events that transpired the last week and started to deal by getting a dramatic haircut. The event that started this quickly escalated into other positive and some quirky decisions, hence taking a swim on October 15th in 64degree water (the heater does NOT work BILL the pool guy!!). Eyes swollen from another night of crying myself to sleep I thought a jump in freezing cold water would do me good and it did! My eyes arent swollen now. Thank God for small favors. Im going up to sit in the steam room with my Aveda tangerine stinky oil stuff and then start my day. I will be moving into my studio this weekend and getting my application together for college. Thats right, me a college girl! The point of todays story is maybe thru the tears and pain (and there so much pain right now) I am motivated even more to find my purpose. Or maybe Im just that wacky chick who will hop in a freezing cold pool because shes bummed and the liquor stores are closed! Peace
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 13:59:52 +0000

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