Ok, today. Wow huh? Little did I know when the Ronald McDonald - TopicsExpress


Ok, today. Wow huh? Little did I know when the Ronald McDonald House called me that it would become all this. It was surreal. Colin summed it up afterwards, when he said I am still processing all this. Last night, Colin was running an almost fever of 99.9. He has been battling an infection while he has no counts. On 4 pills of an antibiotic a day (YUCK daily total of 1200 mg), every 6 hours. Went to bed last night about 8:30 pm and I was not sure he was going to make it. Yesterday, I was leaning towards admitting to CHOP, as was his team. The picture of him sitting on the sofa is when we arrived this morning and he went into I am shutting you out and am tired mode. I swear, only Colin can take all this in stride, it honestly does not seem to faze him one bit! After the segment was done and things were breaking up, we were led back into the building. Colin had been swept away from me and ended up in the Eagles cafeteria. At this point an Eagles PR person had him and is introducing him to the players that are eating breakfast, and I must say- they have a very nice breakfast spread! They had the Today show on in the cafeteria so they had an idea who he was and he was being introduced as Hi this is Colin, our newest team member. Shaking hands everywhere, everyone sincerely welcoming him and all I am doing inside is panicking! He has NO counts and is in this mob of people and all I want to do is pass out hand sanitizer to everyone. By 8:59 am, the place is clearing out, big time. Julie, our escort tells William all the players are heading to school, to class. And quickly because Chip takes it very seriously, they have 2 minutes to settle. Late players get a fine. That explains why it cleared out so quickly. Long story short, we run into Eagles player, Jon Dorenbos, the long snap guy. He joked he did not have to be in class as he was special teams and offered to show us around. So off we went. To the weight room, the smoothie station, the locker room, lounge, and some offices. Crazy to be doing this was all I could think. We now know the team is pretty messy (as by looking in their lockers), Nick Foles has a ton of Nike sneakers in his locker. Also Jon keeps frisbees and a bat/ball in his locker for when everyone is bored- they play, hence the frisbee on Wills head. Each player has a pillow in their locker- nap?? We know the biggest foot on the team is an 18. They all have an ipad for viewing plays and it also monitors their vitals. Players are told they should sleep a good amount each night; 8-10 hours. We saw the kicker in his towel, hiding to get dressed, poor guy I am sure did not expect a tour group in his locker area! I have to say, our tour guide, Jon, was beyond gracious and kind. He was sincere and really took the time to make it fun for the kids, well- us too! I had to laugh when he took a selfie with Colin in LeSean McCoys locker, taking McCoys helmet and giving it to Colin. By now, it is almost 9:30. Jon is looking at his watch, he DOES NOT want to be late to his class, which starts at 9:35 and I dont want to be late to clinic, Colin is supposed to be there by 10 am for a CBC to check his counts, dressing change (in the picture) and a gtube check. And that was the reality of the day, live TV, touring the Eagles center and then clinic, with another discussion of admitting Colin to CHOP. After speaking to downtown, Colin was allowed to go home, not CHOP, to be monitored by me, mom. Talk about a weight on my shoulders. I would hate to disappoint him by admitting him if his infection gets worse- he is soooo looking forward to Sunday but reality is reality. So poor kid, went to bed about 8:45 tonight, exhausted from the day. So fingers crossed, that the antibiotic kicks in big time. NBC took a liking to him and wants to do a quick segment Sunday night about 6:45. Dave said I have to go buy an Eagles shirt for Sunday- uh I dont think so! He thinks it would be embarrassing to be seen on the big screen without one on, I can only think how jumbo on the jumbotron I am going to look! So, that was our adventure. I am glad for Colin and William and only Dave had more fun than them! Have a great weekend and see you on Sunday from the Eagles game!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 02:09:03 +0000

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