Ok wanted to run this by some Bible thumpers go ahead and beat me - TopicsExpress


Ok wanted to run this by some Bible thumpers go ahead and beat me up with it: Why is it that Atheists are Good without god while Christians are redeemed wretches for Jesus? Has the image of God - in which men were created and - which God called very good become altogether worthless? To say we are no good implies that we are like a blob of maggot infested meat that should be discarded in the garbage heap! And indeed, Christians familiar with the doctrine depravity would gleefully agree - however may I say that is not the whole truth? When Christians say no one is good we are condensing volumes of biblical understanding into a single statement; and I think that can often be almost unfair to the uninitiated. While it is easy to demonstrate that we are all sinners by just the fact that not one person can - or ever will - keep even one of Gods 10 basic commandments, thats still not the entire picture. Certainly the infinite worth of Christ crucified on the cruel cross of Calvary forever evaluates and articulates the relative goodness of the deeds of men but... it also give us a glimpse into the limitless value God places upon men!!! Selah God himself describes us as a treasure hidden in a field Looking at the future value of that field God gave the most precious thing he had in order to purchase that field: He gave Jesus! And God was not reluctant to pay! The Bible says: • for the joy set before Him He endured the cross • .. It pleased The Lord to bruise Him., The high price reflects our deep debt. While the depravity of our sin nature is true of us; yet His image within us is too. And while Christians are squeamish to call anybody good because Jesus said nobody is good but God that does not mean that men are incapable of doing good things consider the fallen and depraved friends of the paralytic who carried him up on the roof; or the Samaritan, or the righteous centurion. The real problem isnt that we are incapable of doing good the problem is that we are criminals who must be punished for their crimes. No amount of out good deeds can ever balance the scales of justice. That is why Jesus was needed his infinite worth forever balances the scales of justice and pays the price for the penalty of all of our sins once and for all; so that we can be made right with God.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 17:03:48 +0000

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