Ok...was going to wait until I slept some but I need to write out - TopicsExpress


Ok...was going to wait until I slept some but I need to write out my thoughts then maybe sleep. Although we did not win a seat in the House, we certainly won. I am feeling overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from friends and family. We are not losers...we lost a race but gained so much more. When I think back to how many awesome people I got to befriend and meet how can I be upset or feel like I lost. I met so many great people who care. So many who we were able to inspire to continue to believe... to fight for what is right and what we want our state to be. I am thankful God chose me to step out. He never promised personal victories. I followed and we won. People are talking about real change. He did not choose to put me in the game today, but my team won...how can I be upset. Now that we have won...lets be champions of the people. It is not about me getting in the game...it is about being on a team that is going to do great things. I can inspire and cheer and encourage and help from the bench. I did win....this effort strengthened my marriage to my best friend...it was not easy but we grew together and we are in a better place today...Kristin stepped up and I am so proud of her and my love grows for her... I won because I showed my kids not to be afraid to fight for what you believe...to work as hard as you possibly can...and when your body says no...get back up and work even harder...live life without regrets...WE WILL turn the world over to them in better shape than we inherited it...The next generation deserves this. I won because I made my family proud...both my brothers have joined in to help me and that means so much to me. I am so happy to have my Mom and Dad who had no idea what I was getting into with this but I could see them too believe in me and stand tall being proud of the man their son had become. My in laws stood tall with me and believed and were so proud. I won because of friendships strengthened...I cant name names because I will forget someone in my state of weariness. Plus if I did name names this long post would then set a record for the longest Facebook post of all times. You just dont know how much all of you mean to me. Your words of encouragement were fuel to me...they inspired me because you believed in me. They were not wasted....they are cherished inside of me...Most people who know me think that I am not a very emotional man...but they are wrong....I am just driven to first solve or fix a problem or take on a task...I have strong feelings and emotions but never want them to cloud my judgement...but when the task is finished...it is time for the emotional engagement. Today is that day when I say sorry, thank you, I appreciate you, and I am thankful you are part of my life...truly a part of my life because I carry a piece of all of my family and my friends with me...you have helped shape me...sharpened me...made me a better person. I won because of friendship made. When I think back...it is overwhelming to realize how many new people are apart of my life today...and how many new folks will become friends tomorrow because I stepped out in faith and followed where God called me. Again I cant name names because the number is too great. You know who you are...and if you dont you will I promise you that. I will make sure you know how much I appreciate you! If you know me...you probably know where I stand....and I dont hold back my faith...but I want to share with you the true gift that so many Christians miss. So many feel that the gift is salvation. Yes Christ died for us and we are saved. But so many stop there...they think thats it...but it is not...the real gift is when you give your life to Christ and let Him lead you...you live a life led by Jesus. It is far better than anything I could have dreamed of. When I felt God calling me to run, the old me would have tried to control it...manage it...analyze it...and who knows maybe even win the race. But He called out the new me...who let Him lead me...and I would not change that for anything. Because when He leads and we follow...things like I described above happen. I not only ran....I enjoyed the journey...I cherished each and every moment. I truly cherish the relationships I have built on this journey...that the old me in control would have selfishly missed out on. It would have been a friendship transaction instead of a real connection. I urge so many of you to let Christ lead you...it is more than salvation....It is a joy in waking up this morning and wondering what does He have in store for me today? I thought it was to serve in Annapolis, but His journey is on a different path...maybe one day it will be in Annapolis but not today. There is a peace in trusting Him...laying it at His feet and following. The weight of the world is lifted. Many cannot understand how I am not sad today...why am I not upset. Because I have accepted the real gift...I still get to serve...so what did I lose? I still get to help the homeless in Harford County...just not with the term Delegate next to my name...who cares...The God of all creation chose me to serve and I followed...so how did I lose? This is the greatest gift of all...and I have accepted it...so I won... Dont feel bad for me...join me...there is work to be done...there are folks who need a roof, a job, food, and hugs...there are people to reach who need words of encouragement so that they can be all that they can be...tell them today and every day. That is what Stand Tall means to me...raise people up. Dont live in the BS of the world...Stand Tall above it and lift others out of it. I hope that you are proud to say you were part of this...I know I was proud to have you all on my team...our team...I hope you will join us in our continued work ahead. We have an app to figure out how we are going to make run without me in Annapolis...I dont have that answer today...but I rest knowing that He will show us the way. Thank you...continue to Stand Tall with me...Mike
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:34:34 +0000

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