Ok we are home now. Was planning on bringing Diego to school when - TopicsExpress


Ok we are home now. Was planning on bringing Diego to school when we were done but we didnt finish till 12:15 and I needed to get Diego lunch (they eat at 10:50 at school) so I knew he wont make it till like 1 and in the afternoon he has recces, gym and snack so not missing much lol. And he really wanted to go home. Duke just drains all energy out of you lol...So we picked up some lunch and came home. Recap of the day: -Got to park on the top of parking deck (Diego has wanted to do this since we started going to Duke but that is employee area and usually you cant get in but we could today...which also meant we went out employee exit so it was free :) opps) -First up Einstein Bagels lol...I got my large coffee and cinn sugar bagel and Diego got his snapple and blueberry muffin (we are creatures of habit lol). Got to talk with the bagel lady lol...she knows me too well lol was trying to get me ice coffee (knows I do ice coffee in summer and regular in winter lol but wanted the hot coffee today since it was cool out). -Then upstairs (1st floor) for xray. Diego is all grown up and goes into the room by himself lol This went fine. -Same waiting room and ultrasound was next. Diego liked that he got to watch TV which getting the ultrasound...we dont have cable so this is a treat lol. -Then upstairs (4th floor), first up Mr. Shawn Brady, Diego loves him. He does weight and height and all that. Diego is 47 which puts him at 17% (he was at 50% in April before cancer) and we need 1 more inch by dec so he can ride the Harry Potter Ride at universal on his wish trip. Or get 1 shoes lol...although his crocs are 3/4 so we only need him to grow 1/4 lol. His weight was almost 52lbs which only puts him at 44% (also at 50% before cancer) but last Aug he was 36lbs so 16lbs in a year is awesome!!!!! never thought I would be happy about a 16lb weight gain lol. -Then we got to see Dr. Deel which was so nice. We had not seen him since may so it was nice to catch up. He thought Diego looked awesome. Diego demonstrated his situps and pushups this kid amazes me), he is even starting to get a 6pack which had me nervous at first cause I was thinking tumor until I really looked. lol We talked about his legs, doc thinks its from the vincristine making his muscles tighten and that PT could help (appointment is sept 18th). Also was told that since Diego was older and did not miss any vaccines that we did not need to test in Dec. (sometimes they will test to see if you need vaccines redone) so that is another plus. -Then it was time for blood, lady came to get us when Dr. Deel was finishing up so I didnt grab my bag we just went. Diego was very scared would not even put his arm out. Said he needed tigger and Ben. So we ran back to the room got tigger and Ben and the Stress Away. Got back to the lab and Diego used the Stress Away (essential oil), we prayed and then stuck his arm out and did great. Can I say I love our essentail oils. Another person was questioning me on them and my little salesmen jumped right in and told her all the great things about them lol...Love that kid. -Back to the room for a last look by the attending doctor and we were sent on our way (FYI 3 hours 15min so in no way short but way shorter then chemo days). -On the drive home doc called kidney functions good, blood work good, ultrasound negative. Still waiting on urine test and chest xray and he will call later. Also said he was just reading new research and the new recommendation for Stage 2 wilms is for ultrasound/xrays only and no CT scans (unless we see something). So we will not be doing anymore CT Scans Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Less radiation the better. Next followup is Nov 18th. So far so good. Will keep everyone posted on last few tests. Diego did say on car ride to hospital (and home) that he wished he never got cancer :(
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 18:28:53 +0000

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