Ok, whipping out the soapbox on this one. I dont normally on - TopicsExpress


Ok, whipping out the soapbox on this one. I dont normally on issues in the news, politics or religion because I understand, appreciate and encourage the difference in opinions on topics such as these. Its the spice of life and makes each of us unique so were not all sheep following one boring idea. However...when it comes to domestic violence, I wont tolerate ignorance. Im disgusted by some of the comments Ive seen flying, based on nothing but judgement and naive opinions. Obviously in reference to the Ray Rice ordeal, to say something along the lines that Shes the stupid one for marrying him a month later shows a real lack of intelligence. DO NOT attempt to say you understand the mental state of a domestic abuse victim unless you yourself have been one. DO NOT pass judgement on what you think she should or should not do if you have not personally been in that position making those types of decisions. When you have been so conditioned to not think for yourself, when youve learned the art of walking on egg shells in your own home without cracking a single one, when you pick out clothes in the morning that cover up the night before without even thinking about it, when you have accepted and come to genuinely believe the fact that you are and will never be anything without the abuser, when being hurt and mistreated become your normal way of life to the point that its almost expected and can be anticipated, THEN you may have an opinion. Now that Im completely repulsed, Ill put my soapbox away.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:38:51 +0000

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