Ok yall.. as some of you know National Domestic Violence Awareness - TopicsExpress


Ok yall.. as some of you know National Domestic Violence Awareness Month actually evolved back in October of 1981. But I lived it many times since then It always seemed to be the type of relationship I looked for somehow and the last time I was ever abused was back in November of 2001. He suffocated me (he thought) after the beating and left me for dead. Long story short..I lived to tell my story to many others since then and every year...during the anniversary of that horrific night in the month of November , I post this video in hopes that if there is anyone at all out there going through abuse of any sort that they will realize they need to GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN. By the Grace of God and some really great EMTs I am still here today to share this video I decided to make in 2012 in hopes of changing someones life before this happens to them. Feel free to pass it on to anyone you know that may be going through this who may also be assuming that the abuse was their fault, or that they DESERVED it as the victims sometimes are made to believe by their attacker. Theyre never truly sorry and if they loved you, as they so often claim to do in these situations, they would NOT HURT YOU..EVER, Nobody deserves this. So pass it on and maybe it will help someone you know to realize when they see the photos of me before, during and AFTER the abuse how it steals your soul, and breaks your spirit. But ONLY for as long as you let it. DONT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU.. THERE IS HELP OUT THERE.. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE BRAVE AND ASK FOR IT.Dont let the worry that someone will say I TOLD YOU SO stop you from leaving. Please..if you are going through any sort of abuse. Walk away while you still can. I almost didnt get the chance to. That last beating lasted a very long time. Some of the injuries I was left with were lifetime. You do not want to live with the emotional and physical scars left behind if you stay with someone who would do this to you. Do you? .youtu.be/kBnI2_f6UFk?list=UUMi0r9KAKTg87gn2tr9wL8g
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 17:29:35 +0000

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