Ok, you know me...just cant keep my opinions to myself. So here is - TopicsExpress


Ok, you know me...just cant keep my opinions to myself. So here is another time when I have to get this out, please just bear with me. If you dont like what Im about to say then you have every right to not agree, but Im still going to say it. I was reading an article this morning about Social Security, I know, I know, you think Ive beaten this old horse to death, and maybe I have, but anyway the article had some very interesting statements that I didnt know, and I want to share them with you. Social Security is actually one of the greatest and hardest won triumphs of the American labor movement. I hear the groans, but I dont care, Im the daughter and wife of union men and very proud of it. Through the years Ive taken a lot of flack about that very fact, but Ive got broad shoulders, thick skin and dont let anti-union people beat me down. Ive been given a good life, not always an easy one, but good just the same. Our children had good lives growing up and always had enough to eat, decent clothes and a warm and loving home. Through tireless effort, President Roosevelt (F.D.) and the U.S. Congress passed the Social Security Act. That act provided unemployment insurance to the elderly and disabled, lifting countless people out of poverty. SS had to be made to last, so the law was written with an eye to rock-solid finances. SS is funded entirely by a payroll tax, and is LEGALLY PROHIBITED from adding to the federal deficit. That being said it means we will never have to borrow a penny from the Chinese or any other nation to protect our retirements. SS is the most fiscally responsible program around. Since SS doesnt add to the budget deficit I do not understand why so many people want to cut it? Ill tell you why...since it is great for workers, the Wall Street banks hate it. Big banks want a cut of the money that goes into the SS fund. They would like to take the money that goes directly to retirees and throw it on the stock market. The bankers would skim their fat commissions off the top and retirees would get the shaft everytime the stock market crashed. So do you want to be subsidizing the big banks? I sure dont. SS is under attack again and unscrupulous politicians (on both sides), have used the budget deficit as an excuse to go after SS again, even though SS DOES NOT add to the deficit! The Acts opponents have a new strategy, called Chain CPI, that is designed to confuse me and all of the public and hide massive cuts to seniors benefits. Social Security is a valuable program that should always be there for ALL working people and the big banks shouldnt be allowed to use the financial crisis as an excuse to carve up the program. Im writing this strictly as a non-partisan player, neither left or right, because both sides have people wanting to destroy SS or at least cut it down a considerable amount. So dont go all ballistic on me and send your political opinions. Im simply trying to make it as plain and simple as it really is. DO NOT let anyone tell you that Social Security is in any way helping drive the financial deficit to the depths it is in. That simply is not true. If youve read all of this I thank you. The ones that didnt will remain uneducated on this issue, and spew their misinformed information on others. Have a wonderful day and a prosperous life.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:49:33 +0000

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