Ok – Donna Bretch hates sappy stuff that I post sometimes about - TopicsExpress


Ok – Donna Bretch hates sappy stuff that I post sometimes about her.. so maybe that is why this is my FOURTH attempt today to post this. Today is Donna’s birthday, and such a day of celebration for me. I treasure my entire family, as I’ve posted numerous times. But, those of you that know my family know that I am different. Growing up, while other cousins told me to quit being a nerd, get my head out of a book, etc., Donna said “forget them – you just be you.” It took me awhile, but today, I am comfortable in my own skin. I am comfortable with being different than my family, my friends, basically everyone I know!! But, from my beautiful cousin, I have learned that being different sometimes is the only way you can be true to yourself. It took me a lot longer to get there than her, but today, I am comfortable with who God made me to be. I always wished God would have given me a big sister, and I realize – he did. Donna has always supported me and accepted me for who I am – just as I’ve accepted her for her wild self. She is the most caring, funny, courageous, beautiful inside and out person I know. She says she is proud of me for my education – well, it’s because of her that I have achieved what I have. Had it not been for this wild and crazy cousin who believed so much in her nerdy baby cousin, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do the things I’ve done. So, today, I honor her as she sits there cringing, reading this sappy post. I can picture her rolling her eyes saying “dang it, Snoop!!” haha. I love you more than words can say, and I hope you’ve had a day that is as incredible and wonderful as you deserve!! I think it was Celine Dion who sang “I’m everything I am because you loved me”, well… I am everything I am because you believed in me and always accepted me, even when it seemed others (including myself) did not. LOVE YOU COUSIN!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 21:29:42 +0000

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