Okay - tangent time.....bewarned, this is LOOONG..... So, I - TopicsExpress


Okay - tangent time.....bewarned, this is LOOONG..... So, I posted the picture the other day about everything happens for a reason and it is because you are stupid and make bad decisions. I had someone repost it, then come back and say that it was mean and bullying because it is calling other people stupid. I am not mad at this person - we all have the right to interpret things how we choose. But I did NOT see it any other way then ME reminding myself about taking personal responsibility. Our society is so into personal victimization and teaching our children the same thing. I see myself fall into the trap too and watch my kids follow. It isnt my fault I got a bad grade - the teacher is stupid (even though Ive had the assignment for a week and suddenly started it the day before it was due). It isnt my fault that I dont have enough time to get this project done right because other things came up (that were not as important but a lot more fun). Its not my fault I was late, traffic was bad (even though I know that traffic is bad everytime I drive that way so I should have left early). Its not my fault I couldnt make it to see you, I had too much stuff to do (which I wouldnt have had I done my stuff on time). So, the post was a reminder to me, a reality check, that I need to stop playing the victim card so much and stop letting my family do it too. It is easy to fall into the habit of everyone else being to blame for my own stupidness - we all do it. How many times have you done this? An hour ago? 5 minutes ago? Last night? It is so ingrained in our society to NEVER accept responsibility for our own need for instant gratification, quick fixes and bail-outs. Perfect example - one of students I take home after school told me that her friend just got her drivers license over Spring Break. The first day back at school, she picks up two of her friends (which isnt allowed in the 1st 6 months you have your license in NV) and while driving 65 in a 30 mph zone, she takes the corner too fast and runs head on into another driver. By sheer grace, no one is badly injured, but both cars are totaled. The girl has to appear in court, being charged with reckless driving and an assortment of other charges.Her license is being suspended for 6 months and she has to retake the driving course. And her parents told her that they will get her a new car and the girl brags to her friend that all she had to do was cry and her parents told her it will be okay. Way to go parents - opportunity to teach responsibility OUT THE WINDOW! I am as guilty of this as the next person. We have turned into a lazy society and starting with me, I am going to make a huge effort to make this change for my family. I may not always succeed, but if and when I dont, there is no one to blame but me.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:46:58 +0000

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