Okay, Amanda Long challenged me to come up with 15 of my favorite - TopicsExpress


Okay, Amanda Long challenged me to come up with 15 of my favorite movies. I am not sure how I can narrow this down without basically repeating her list, but I am going to try. So here we go (not really in any order. I just numbered for my own sanity), 15. Moonlight in Paris- This is the movie that I think all writers will love. We all fear death and question our place in the universe. The artists job is not to succumb to despair, but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence. 14. The Dark Night Trilogy- (I cant chose just one) Because I have to have super heroes represented on this list. And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. 13. The Dead Poets Society- This movie is heartbreaking, inspiring, and impossible to pass by when I see it on. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. 12. Better Off Dead- It would be impossible to make it through an entire list without at least a little 80s and John Cusack. I want my two dollars. 11. Pride and Prejudice- First thing we have to get straight is I am talking about the BBC miniseries, not to be confused with the Keira Knightly movie that should barely be allowed to call itself Pride and Prejudice. And now for one of my favorite first lines in literature. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” 10. Lonesome Dove- This was the first western I ever liked. I listened to the book on tape one summer while I was painting dorm rooms and fell in love with it. Im just tryin to keep everything in balance, Woodrow. You do more work than you got to, so its my obligation to do less. 9. Arsenic and Old Lace- I love old movies. Insanity doesnt run in my family, it practically gallops. 8. The Philadelphia Story- Yes, I know this is the second old movie I have on here, but they both have Cary Grant therefore your argument is invalid. Champagnes funny stuff. Im used to whiskey. Whiskey is a slap on the back, and champagnes heavy mist before my eyes. 7. The Harry Potter Series (You cant make me choose)- buzzfeed/ariellecalderon/profound-quotes-from-the-harry-potter-books#3jzjxn4 6. Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I defy your rules. I will put all the series I want on here. muahahaha)- One does not simply walk into Mordor. 5. The Bone Collector (sorry about the above, I was drunk with power)- For some reason I never get tired of this movie. If you were any more wound up youd be a timex. 4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas- There he goes. One of Gods own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. 3. Sweeney Todd- I needed a musical. I thought about the Sound of Music, but I have been watching more Sweeney lately. There was a barber and his wife, and she was beautiful. A foolish barber and his wife. She was his reason and his life, and she was beautiful. 2. Halloween- My favorite scary movie ever. Death has come to your little town, sheriff. 1. The Godfather- Now this one is probably my favorite movie ever even though I said there was no order to my list. In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns. Now I am sure I have forgot movies that I love, but you dont understand, this is a lot of pressure. So now I tag Jessica Mueller.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:44:53 +0000

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