Okay Green Mountain Rams! Get ready for a marvelous game of LIFE - TopicsExpress


Okay Green Mountain Rams! Get ready for a marvelous game of LIFE in GSA tomorrow! Here are the rules: The Game Of life! The rules are simple. You start off with $5,000, and you take the test I give you. Once you are done, you will come up to one of the Leaders, and they will take your test. Once they have looked over it, they will have you spin the spinner, and if you land on a 9 or 10, you get an extra $10,000. After that, they will tell you what college you may go to, or you will chose career. If you chose College, you will get bank loans to pay for your tuition (you will have to pay it back in the game sometime!!!) (If you chose career, skip to next step) You will then be asked a question about your future. Depending on your answer, you will chose a Career card, and a salary. (You will be paid throughout the game, and you will spend money, so hope for the best, and dont skip pay days!) once you have finished the first steps, you will walk into the hall, and look for the questions around the Math and Science halls. You will have to answer these questions (Bring a piece of paper, you will have to remember the answers to get to the next life goal) Marriage: You will get married! You can either choose another player, or we will give you a note card with your spouses gender, salary, and debts/loans. If you chose another player, you absorb their Debt/loans, and your salaries are either added together if they’re low, or divided in half, and then added together if they are high. Children: We will have a Leader be the “Stork”. Meaning, if they touch your shoulder, and hand you a card with a gender on it, you now have a kid, and will have to pay $50,000 at the end of the game (per child). Insurance: You will, when you get married, have to purchase insurance on one persons life. (this is required). When you buy a house, you make CHOSE to purchase insurance. Buying a House: You will have to have a house. You will chose a card from the cards a leader provides, the card you chose (which you have to hand back) will be your house. If you are not content with the card, you can pay $50,000 for an upgrade to the next house (you can do this many times, but you have to pay.) To upgrade, you must answer a trivia question, So have your thinking Caps on!!! Retirement: By the end of the game, You must pay off your debts/loans, your Child tax (if you have kids), and you will tally up your money to see what retirement home you get placed in. CATASTROPHES!!!!: There will be, at various times in the game, random catastrophes. These catastrophes will make you pay for deaths ($10,000), hospital bills ($75,000), and various other things. This is why insurance is important! (A leader will give you the news) So, this game is to get you to start thinking about your future. Put your thinking caps on, get ready for decisions, and above all else, HAVE FUN!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:40:51 +0000

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