Okay, I am reposting what NERD stated about this unbelievable - TopicsExpress


Okay, I am reposting what NERD stated about this unbelievable crisis: EVERY PET KEEPER MUST CONSIDER THIS!!!!! ** DOOM ALERT ** This is VERY REAL PEOPLE, I NEED YOUR HELP!!! PLEASE take a few minutes to read what I am saying and think what this means....... this is coming to EVERY State! I can not believe what I am seeing... this is TERRIBLE!!!! Rabbits, colored Mice/rats, Neon Tetras WILL BE ILLEGAL TO OWN w/o a permit! Ok, let me break this down.... ANTI PET organizations in this case The National Human Society of America - HSUS has a mission statement. Let me sum it up, To END the Keeping of Pets in North America. This sounds incredible and NOT possible you think? THE PERFECT STORM IS BREWING IN WEST VIRGINIA! 1.HSUS befriends WV Governor and their version of Fish and Game(State level). CONVINCES them that the pets that we are keeping are DANGEROUS ANIMALS, this is a broad term and it means either dangerous to people or the environment, but still fit under DANGEROUS. 2. GOVERNOR SIGNS DANGEROUS WILD ANIMAL RULE. Done, its signed and has a bunch of animals listed as DANGEROUS. You will no longer be able to keep without a SPECIFIC thresh-hold of hoops you must jump through to keep. This even means INSURANCE since they are now all deemed DANGEROUS!! What is signed is the idea with a bunch of animals... BUT, BUT!!! There is MORE... MUCH MORE..... 3. Before the law is enacted and all animals are listed they must create the DANGEROUS ANIMAL BOARD. These people will decide what animals and caging, safety, insurance and FEES will be associated with the new law. 4. Who are the experts that decide what pets you will be allowed to keep? Department of Agriculture, WV Dept. of Health and Human Services and WV Dept. Of natural Resources. These EXACT AGENCIES DO NOT WANT TO ALLOW PET OWNERSHIP!!!! This is INTENSE AND TERRIBLE! 5. Praytell what kind of animals are on this ever expanding list? If you keep pets it may likely be on the list and pet ownership will take a terrible blow here. 1008 Types of Frogs, over 2,000 Reptiles, Rabbits, ALL Rodents excluding Albino/White Mice or rats, Hamsters, Guinea pigs. So, any colored rats or mice deemed DANGEROUS and NOT ALLOWED... Tons of Birds and now they are list thousands of types of Aquarium pet fish including the NEON TETRA!!!!! Hedge hogs, Sugar gliders.... I must say it again PET BUNNY RABBITS!!!!!! NO TURTLES AT ALL!!!! 6. If you are lucky enough to get grand fathered in for your DANGEROUS ANIMAL pet bunny and can meet the permit requirements/inspection you will have to allow access to your home as they see fit. 7. HSUS is very smart and clever here. They picked a state with NO PROBLEMS regarding demented wild pets and picked a perfect state where it would go undetected and PASS PASS PASS!!! The banked on this one getting through and once it passes it will infect other states like wildfire!!! Lets not forget the bill has already passed and now they are setting up the list and how they will enforce the law!! 8. What can we do???? We get fired up at the right time... JANUARY is when they will meet on this again!!!! We have to let them know that this is WRONG AND DUMB!!!! It literally will hurt all of us!!! PLEASE dont let West Virginia SINK with this one..... TELL EVERYONE, SPREAD THE WORD AND HELP USARK SPREAD THEIR PAGE OUTLINING THIS!!!!!! 9. WE NEED YOU!!!!!!! If you own pets or know people that own pets please tell them they count and Pet lover4s of West Virginia need our support and OUR GUIDANCE!!!!!! Dont ignore this one!!!! 10. I can post the PDF signed law and here is the USARK PAGE that we ALL NEED TO LIKE AND SHARE!!! This is VERY REAL!!!!!! usark.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/WV-DWA-List-and-Comment.pdf Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and helping me spread the word!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 20:01:49 +0000

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