Okay I got the Number 21. 1. I love scary, creepy, things 2. I - TopicsExpress


Okay I got the Number 21. 1. I love scary, creepy, things 2. I am very passionate and stubborn, but I try to be as understanding and compassionate and willing to see the world around me not just through my own eyes but through the eyes of the people around me. Everyone looks at things a little differently, though I might think one thing is right, until I have looked at it from every angle I can and all the good and bad sides I try my best to not make a choice. 3. I love to watch movies, any movie, but especially ones I can watch with my love. 4. I love to give to those around me, even when I have nothing to give. I always try to find something. I go out of my way to try and help other people because one day I may need someone to help me. When I have an actual gift for someone I simply can not wait for them to open it. It drives me crazy. 5. I love the night sky and looking at the stars it always makes me feel so peaceful. 6. I love with everything in me, I give everything I have to the people I love. I make it a goal to make people happy when I can as well as keeping in mind that sometimes you just cant make everyone happy. 7. I am terrified of bees, hornets, yellow jackets, wasps, and even if a fly catches my by surprise but I think its one of the above I will freak out. 8. Some days I hate school, but most days, I love it. I love reading and learning new things. I just hate having to memorize it to remember it for a test lol 9. I have more dreams than there are stars in the sky. I love to dream and make plans even though half of them I never intend to come true. 10. I believe in the magic of Christmas and Santa Clause 11. I believe in the goodness of people, no one is full of darkness, sometimes you just have to look really really close to find the goodness and the light that everyone has. 12. I try to understand that just because I dont like something, I think something is gross, doesnt mean everyone in the world feels the same as I do. We are all human but we are all individual inside and out. 13. I hate bullying and laughing at other people for their mistakes and saying mean things even if its only just kidding over the years I have fallen more and more into the society trap of following the ground and finding it acceptable to laugh at other people especially on the internet. But I am trying to get make to my ground roots that it is never okie to laugh at some elses expense even even they are not in front of you. 14. I am not perfect, I have flaws, I have made mistakes I wish I hadnt, I am still making mistakes, and I will continue to make mistakes, but over all I love who I am. I love how I look at things, I love how I strive to be a better me even when some days I am a horrible me. 15. I believe in fairy tales and happy endings, I believe in fighting for whats right and for standing against the ocean or screaming against the roar to have your voice heard. 16. I have a wild imagination and sometimes I can not get out of my head, other times I mix up fiction with reality and other times I can not figure out how to get things things I see in my minds eye in front of me even though I see other people doing them. 17. When I was younger I used to build these huge forts for my brother and myself. I would take all the blankets, and pillows, and sheets and cover the entire living room. It used to annoy the crap out of my mom though! 18. I am very awkward, shy, reserved, and stand offish when I meet new people but once I am comfortable I am lots of fun to be around. 19. I once taped $200.00 to my friends car window with duct tape because he needed money badly and I knew he wouldnt take it from me so I made an anonymous donation. 20. I dont want life to always be easy, because if it is easy then the peace, joy, good times, are all the time and will become boring. 21. I am head over heels in love with the most amazing, intelligent, sweet, funny, kind, loving, understanding, man in the world. He may not see his self worth but I see it bright as day, one day I hope he can see it like I do. Like my Status and I will give you a number
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:00:51 +0000

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